Border and Transborder Armed Actions (Nicaragua v. Honduras) - Jurisdiction and Admissibility - Fixing of the time-limits for the filing of written pleadings

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Peace Palace, 2517 KJ The Hague. Tel. 41.44bles: Intercourt.Hague

Telex 32323
for tmmudiatereleass

No. 86/14
24 October1986

Border and TransbordAermedActions
(Nicaragua. Honduras)

The followinginformationis cornmunicateto the pressby the
Registryof the InternationaClourtof Justice:

By an Orderdated22 October1986the Court, takingaccountof the
agreementreachedbetweenthe Parties, has decidedthatthe written
proceedingsshouldfirstbe confinedto the issuesof jurisdictioannd
admissibilitya,nd has fixedthe following time-limits f ore filingof
the pleadings:

- Memorialof Honduras: 23 February1987

- Counter-Memoria lf Nicaragua: 22 June1987

The Orderreservesthe subsequenptrocedusefor furtherdecision.

On 28 July1986 Nicaragua instituteproceedingaagaiustHondurasby
meansof an Applicationwhich refersto borderincidents and ipsmed
attacks,of increasingfrequency and intensitysince1963, osganizedby
-ontras onits territory from th eerritoryof Honduras,andwhirh 8180
refersto assistance havinbgeengivento the contras by the armedforces
of Bonduras,to direct participationy the latter inmilitaryattigcks
against Nicaragua and tothreatsby the Govesnrnenotf Hondurasto use
forceagainst it.

On... On the basisof the factsset outin its ApplicationNicaragua
holdsthatHondurasis legally responsible fb oreachingarious
obligationsarisingunderinternational law,and requeststhe Courtto
find accordingly. It also requests thCourtto statethatHondurashas

a duty toceaseal1 suchactsas rnay constitutethesebreaches, and that
it is underan obligation towardNicaragua to mak eeparation foarl1
injurycausedto the latterby the violationosf whichit is accused.

Nicaraguaand Hondurashave each appointed Agentsursuantto the
Kulesof Court. TheAgentof Nicaragua is His ExcellencMr. Carlos
Argiiell~oornez,mbassadorof Nicaraguato the Netherlands;the Agentof

Honduras isHis ExcellencyMr. MarioCarias,Ambassadorof Hondurasto
the Netherlands.

ICJ document subtitle

- Jurisdiction and Admissibility - Fixing of the time-limits for the filing of written pleadings

Document file FR
Document Long Title

Border and Transborder Armed Actions (Nicaragua v. Honduras) - Jurisdiction and Admissibility - Fixing of the time-limits for the filing of written pleadings
