United States Diplomatic and Consular Staff in Tehran (United States of America v. Iran) - Hearings to open on Tuesday 18 March 1980 at 3 p.m.

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Paace Palace, 2517 KJ The Hague. Tel. 92 44 41. Cables: Intercourt, The Hague

relax 32323
- Communiqué

No. .0/2
17 hhrch 1980

Uiiited States l)-iplomatic and Conaular Staff in Tehr-
(United States of herica v. ~rnn)

Bearingç to open ca Tuesday 10 March 1960 a.t 3 p.m.

The following infcrmtion is comunicated to the press by the
Registry of the Internationa l ourt of Justice:

Followlng the tielivery on 15 Deceraber 1979 of the Order
indic~ting srovis ional masures , the pracee dings have taken the
course laid down in the Statute md the Rules 09 Court.

By an OrCer of 24 ïlece~ber 1979 the President of the Court
fixed 15 January 1980 5s the tirne-limit for th^ filing of a
Mernorial by the United States, and 18 Febrmry 1960 as that fa, the
filine; of'a Couriter-.bfemorialby the Islamic F(epub1ic of Iran, with

liberty far the Islsmic Republic, if it appointed an agent for the
purkWse of appzring before the Court end psesentingits
observations on the case, to apply for reconsid.eration of the
latter tirae-1imit .

The Wnited States filedits Menorial wi-thin the tirne-lidt
appinted. The Isldc Hepublic of Iran dia not howe-ger file a

Counter-Mernorial or apply fer an extension of th2 tine-limita

The phase of written proc~edings having thus ended, the Court
has now corne to the oral pnase an2 has fixefi Tuesday 18 March,
at 3 2.m., as the Me on which pub]-ic hearings are to begin.

ICJ document subtitle

- Hearings to open on Tuesday 18 March 1980 at 3p.m.

Document file FR
Document Long Title

United States Diplomatic and Consular Staff in Tehran (United States of America v. Iran) - Hearings to open on Tuesday 18 March 1980 at 3 p.m.
