Continental Shelf (Tunisia/Libyan Arab Jamahiriya) - Court to give its Judgment on Wednesday 24 February 1982

Document Number
Document Type
Number (Press Release, Order, etc)
Date of the Document
Document File

1 i be3,-rn DaIlira 3c;17 K., The Waoue. Tel. 92 44 41. Cabtes: Intercourt, The Hague

110. 8215
18 February 1982

Continental Shelf (~unisia/~ibyan Arab ~aaahiriya)

Court to give its Judppent on Wedresday 24 February 1982

The following information is communicated to the Press by the
Registry of the Internc%tional Court of Justice :

The Court will hold a public sitting at 10 a.m. on Wednesday
24 February 1982 in the Peace Palace, for the purpose of delivering
its Judgment in the Continental Shelf case bettreerl Tunisia and the
Libyan Arab Jmahiriyn.


1. The public sit,ting will be held in the Great Haii of Justice of
the Peace Palace. Members of the Press will be entitled to attend it
on presentation of an adnission card, which may be obtained upon
application. The tables reserved for them are situateci on the far
left of the public entrance to the courtroorn.

2. Photographs may be taken before the opening, during the first
few minutes of the sitting; and also for a few minutes towards the
Filming for cinema or television purposes is however subject
to special authorization.

3. In the Press Room, locsted on the ground floor of the Peace
Palace (~oom 5), the reading of the Court's decision will be relayed
through a loudspeaker.

4. After the close of the sitting, Press Commuriqués summarizing
the decision will be d.istributed in the Press Room (EO. 5).

5. Members of the Press may use only the public telephones in the
Post Ol'fice in the bassement of the Palace.

6. Mr. C. Poux, F'irçt Secretary of the Court (telephone extension 233),
or, in his absence, !!Ir. Noble (extension 248) will be available to deal with
any requests for information by members of the Press.

ICJ document subtitle

- Court to give its Judgment on Wednesday 24 February 1982

Document file FR
Document Long Title

Continental Shelf (Tunisia/Libyan Arab Jamahiriya) - Court to give its Judgment on Wednesday 24 February 1982
