South West Africa (Ethiopia v. South Africa) - Hearings of 20 September to 21 October 1965

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CommuniquéNo. 65/18

The follovring informationfron the Registrg of the International
Court of Justiceis ~ommunlcaied to the Tress:

In the course of 24 public sittingsin the South West Africa

cases (~thiopia 1. SoizthAfrica; Liberia x. Sointh ~fricm
Monday, 20 Septenber to Thursday,21 October 1965, the Court heard
nine witnesses and expertscalled by South Rfriça.

Mr. K. Dahlmann, Editor of the A1Igemeine Zeitwig, IVlndhoek;

The Rev. J.S. Gericke, Vice-Chaijeman of the Synod of the
Dutch Reformed Ghurch of South Africag Professor D.C. Kroghg
Head of the Depatment of Economics,ZTniversity of South Airicag
Professor C.A.F. Manning, forrnerly Professorof
International Relations,University of London; Brigadier-
General S.L.A, Marshall, Chief Hiskorian of the UnitedStates
Amy il a number of theatres; Mr. L.4. Feyiler, Directorof
BantuDevelopment in South Africa; ProfessorS.T. Possony,

Director of International Political Studies Program, Hoover
Institution, Stanford University, California; Dr. C,B. RauLenbach,
Kector of the University of Pretoria; and Dr. B.J. van Zyl,
Deputy Secretary,Departmen$ of Bantu Education.

Witnesses and experts, a£ter examination by counsel fos south
Africa and cross-examination bg the Agent for the Applicants? vqere

ques tioned by meabers of 511s Court.

The next hèaring wiXl be on Tuesday, 26 Octoher 2t 3 p.m., mhen
çounsel for South Africa will begin the continuatïon of their address.

The Hague, 21 Oçtober 1965.

ICJ document subtitle

- Hearings of 20 September to 21 October 1965

Document file FR
Document Long Title

South West Africa (Ethiopia v. South Africa) - Hearings of 20 September to 21 October 1965
