I.C.J. -.mmuniqué No. 65/5
(unoff icial)
The f'ollorving inf ormailor? fr oiithe Regis try of the Interna Lima1
Court of Justice is co~simicated to the Press:
Further to Communiqué!JO. 6~/4~ the International Court of
Justice mill hold Lts next public sitt-ing in the South West Africa
cases (~thiopia y. South Hfrica; Liberia v. South dîrica) at 10 a.m.
on Thursday 18 Iviarch. -
The Bague, 17 IilTarc1945
._n.ln-.-é>-.-. 65&
(non-off iciel)
Les renseignefi~eiltssuivznts, éu2ncu?t du Greffe de k Cour
internctionale de Jiistiçe, sont mis à la dispcsitior! de la
presse :
La Cour inkernetion:iLe de Justice reprendra ses ;*udiences
publiques dans les affsires du Sud-Ouest af_ricain(~thiopie c.
Afrique du Sud; Liberia c. Africiue du sud-) le ieudi 18 ~2~rs
kt Haye, le 17 mrs 2965.
- The Court will resume its public hearings on 18 March 1965
South West Africa (Ethiopia v. South Africa) - The Court will resume its public hearings on 18 March 1965