South West Africa (Liberia v. South Africa) - The Court will resume its public hearings on the conclusion of its closed hearings on a preliminary matter now under consideration

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I.e. J. Communiqué No, 65/4

The ·follovdng information from the Registry of the International
Court of Justice is communicated to the Pl"ess:

The InternatiOnal Court of Justice 'Will resume its public
hearings in the South West Africa cases (Ethiopia v. South Africa;
Liberia y. South Africa) on the cond usion of its closed hearings
on a preliminary matter now under consideration. The date and time
of the next public sitting will be· notified to the Press by a

communiqué in due course.

The Hague, 15 March 1965•

.G.I.J. Communigué n° 65/4


Les renseignements suivants émanant du Greffe de la Cour
internationale de Justice sont nûs à la disposition de la presse

La Cour internationale de Justice reprendra ses audiences
publiques dans les affaires du Sud-Ouest africain (Ethiopie c. Afrique
du Sud; Libéria c. Afrique du Sud) lorsqulelle aura fini d examiner
à huis clos la question préliminaire qu elle étudie pour 1 instant,
l€ jour et l heure de la prochainè audience publique ser·ont portés
en temps utile à la connaissance de la presse par voie de communiqué.

La Haye, le 15 mars 1965.

ICJ document subtitle

- The Court will resume its public hearings on the conclusion of its closed hearings on a preliminary matter now under consideration

Document file FR
Document Long Title

South West Africa (Liberia v. South Africa) - The Court will resume its public hearings on the conclusion of its closed hearings on a preliminary matter now under consideration
