South West Africa (Liberia v. South Africa) - Hearings of 30 March to 14 April 1965

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(~nof ficial)

The follothng infomztian f rom the hgistry of the International
Court af Justice is communicated to the Press :

In the course of 12 public sittings from Tuesday, 30 Piarch to
'$lednesday,14 Alsril 1965 in the South West Afrlca casss (Ethiopia
1. South Africa; Liberip u. South Africa) the Court heard

Mr, D.P, de Villiers, S.C ., and luir,E,$i. Grosskopf in their
presentation of the case on behailf of South fdrica, At the end
of the hearing of Il+ April a question was put to the Parties by
Judge lressup under paragrzph 2 of Article 52 of the hies of Court,
accordsng to paragr~ph 3 of whichagznts md counsel are at liberty
to answer at a later ds.te.

The next kearing -dll be held an Thursday, 22 April 1965 at
10 a.m., &en Counsel for South iifriça dl1 continue the presentation
of the South Africm case.

The Hague, U iipril 1965 .

Les renseignements suivants, émanant du Greffe de Is Cour
internationald ee Justice, sont mis & la disposition de la presse :

Au coma des douze audiences publiques tenues du mardi 30 mars
au mercredi l4 zvxil 1565 dans lea affaires du Sud-Ouestafricain
(~thio~ie c. Afrique du Sud; Libéria c. Afrique du sud), la Cour
a aiztendu !:iE bI. . de Villiers ct E;M. Grosskopf plaider au nom
de 11Afrique du Sud. A 1a fin de Ilaudicnce du 1_4 zvrfl, 101Jessup,
juge, a posé une question aux Path s conf orm4me~t à liar-kicle 52,

paragraphe 2 , du Reglemen% de la Cour f en vertu du paragnphe 7
dudit article,, les agents et conseils auront lc liberté de répondre

Lcs conseils dc li$friqm du Sud reprendrontleur8 plaidoiries
au couss de la prochaine audience qui se ticndrn le jeudi 22 avril 1965
k 10 hcus~s.

Lc Haye le ld, avril 1965,

ICJ document subtitle

- Hearings of 30 March to 14 April 1965

Document file FR
Document Long Title

South West Africa (Liberia v. South Africa) - Hearings of 30 March to 14 April 1965
