Certain Expenses of the United Nations (Article 17, paragraph 2, of the Charter) - The oral proceedings will open towards the beginning of May

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kther to comiuzlquéa 61/212nd 62/6, oral prcjceedings in the

Adviaciry Opini-in in the natter of Financialobligationsof Menbers of

thc United Iletizns (i'rticle 17, parngrnph 2, of the charter) si11

opon towards the beginninz of !biay* The exact date wi11 be

1 comunicsted in due course,

The H-e, 26 M~xch 1962

Coyi~ué no 62f
non-of ficiel

Corn suits aux communicp4s 61/21 et 62/5, la procédure orale

sur Ic de~unde 6 avis consultatif relatif aux Obligations fincncières

@ des lilembrca des Nations Uriics {art iclo 17, paragraphe 2, de lz chaste)

s~ouvrira vers lc début de nci. La dzte exncte sera conmuniqu4ele

,, noraent vanu.

ICJ document subtitle

- The oral proceedings will open towards the beginning of May

Document file FR
Document Long Title

Certain Expenses of the United Nations (Article 17, paragraph 2, of the Charter) - The oral proceedings will open towards the beginning of May
