Right of Passage over Indian Territory - Hearing of September 21st 1959

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I.C.J. Coimiqué No. 59/40
(unof fiçial)

The follclrriilgfriforriietio<rom the Registry of 'the

Lnternati0,m.l Court of Justice is comnicated to the Press.

Today, 21 Septexber 1/59, c7r 4tp.n. the International

Court of Justice began its hearings on the case concerning the

Right of Passsge over Indixri Territory (~ortu~a v, ~ndia).

M. Jose de Barros Ferreira da Fonseca, Agent for the

Portugues~ Goverment, bcgged the Court to hoar ProfessorTelles,

a Ilirecior ai the Facblt~ of Law of Lisbori, sl;ate the case for hic;


Professor Telles thcn oponed the Portuguese case whieh will

be contii~ued at the hearing on Tuesday, 22 September, ai 10.30a,m.

The Hagde, 21 Septernber 1959.

P m - -r rcrirc~cntat<~t.es of the Press with regard to

---.~ri.i~ue~ issu@ durikg the hcnrhlps * the case

conccrni;~g Rj-ght of Passaae over hdiian Territory

(secoild phase)

Since representatives of the Press can be prescnt at each

sitting a~d obtain at the end of each day the verbath record of

the day's proccedlngs, the Registry does not proposeto publlsh

duringthe hearing, the custoi~urp ~oiimiqés which mcrely indicate

the naes oi .the speakers ar,d the d~tr; of the nexh hearing.

However, an exception vrill be mde wheileve~ the nexk I-iearingis

fbred for a date ather khan the follotring ddy.

This net$ procedure will be applied on a trial basis as from

22 September 1959.

Document file FR
Document Long Title

Right of Passage over Indian Territory - Hearing of September 21st 1959
