Aerial Incident of 27 July 1955 (United States of America v. Bulgaria) - The Agent of the Government of the United States advises the Court that his Government desires to discontinue the proceedings

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Number (Press Release, Order, etc)
Date of the Document
Document File

Les renaeignencnts suiv mts &rian?.nt duGrcffe de la Cour internationale

de Justice sont nis à la dispositionde la presse :

En lfaffeire de 1~incidentasriendu 27 juillet 1955 (~tz~ts-unis

c. Bulgnrie) , l'Agent du Gouvernement des Etats-Unis dthrGriquo n fait

savoir qu'il renon~ait à poursuivre ln proc6dure.

Aviséde ce ddsister.ientpar le Greffe, le Gouverneaent bulgare a

d6clnréqu'iln'y faisnit pas opposition.Dans ces coliditions, la Cour

internztionale de Justicerendrc ince ssmurient une ordonncrnce prescrivant

ln radiationde cette affaire sur le r8Le.

La Haye, le 19 mai. 1960

Commw5qu4 No, 60/11
(unoff icial)

The folloninginfornlation from the Reglstry of the 1nterrzztj.onalCourt

of Justice is commw?icated to the Prcssf

In the case concerning the nerial Incidentof 27 July 1955 (~njted

a Sta-i;eof America x. ~ul~aria) the ligerit forthe Goverment of the United

States of 2aerica has adviçed the court that his Goverment desiredto

discontinue the proceedings.

The Bulgarim Govement, having been infamed by the Begistryof tkis

discontinumce, h~s stc?.ted thntit docs not appose it, In these

circumstmces the International Coust of Justice will shortly mako rn

Order removing the case fsom the lise.

The Hague, 19 May 1960.

ICJ document subtitle

- The Agent of the Government of the United States advises the Court that his Government desires to discontinue the proceedings

Document file FR
Document Long Title

Aerial Incident of 27 July 1955 (United States of America v. Bulgaria) - The Agent of the Government of the United States advises the Court that his Government desires to discontinue the proceedings
