Constitution of the Maritime Safety Committee of the Inter-Governmental Maritime Consultative Organization - List of the governments from which the Court has received written statements or communicati

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CommuniquéNo. 59/54
(kaf ficial)

The follawinginformation£rom the Registry of the International
Court of Justiceis communicated bo the Press:

In the matter of the constitution of the Maritime Safety Committee,
the International Court of Justice has receivedwritten statements or
communicaLions from the Governent8 of Belgiilm, France,Liberia, the
United States of America, China, Panama, Switzerland,Italy, Denma~lc,

.a the United Kingdom of Great Britain and NorthernIreland, Nomay, the
Netherlandsand India*

It will be recalled that this matter was refesred to the Court
for an Advisory Opinion pursuant ta a resolutionadopted on 19 January
1959 by the Açsembly of IMCO (~nter-bvernmental Maritime Gonsultetive
~rganization).The followingquestionwas put to the Court:

"1s the Maritime Safety Committee of the Inter-Govermental
MaritimeCansultative Orgaization, which mas electedon
15 January 1959, constitutedin accordan& with the Convention

for the Establishment of the Organization?

By Order of S'August 1959, the President of the Caurt fixed
5 December 1959 as the time-limit for the submission of mitten state-
ments by the States members of the Organization, which had been
censidered as likely to be able to furnish informationon the question
(statute,Article 66, paragraph 2).

In addieionto the statements and communications çubmitted by the
Govermenfis indicatedabove, the Court has been furnished ~ith
documentation transinitted by %he Secretary-General of'IJEO (statute,
Article 65, paragraph 2). O

The members and the Secretary-Generao lf the Organization have
been notified by the Begistrythathearings in thismatter vdll begin
as soon as possible after 17 Kpril 1960. The exact date and time of
the opening hearing ~111 be fixed, subaequsntl y

The Bague, 20 December 1959.

ICJ document subtitle

- List of the governments from which the Court has received written statements or communications

Document file FR
Document Long Title

Constitution of the Maritime Safety Committee of the Inter-Governmental Maritime Consultative Organization - List of the governments from which the Court has received written statements or communications
