Les renseignenl2nts suivants émanant du Greffe de la Cour
internationales de Justice ont été mis 2 la disposition de la presse:
La Cour inteimationale de Justice e tenu ce matin uns audience
en l'affaire Bottebohm (Liechtenstejn c. Guatemala),
Ite Henri RolLn, conseil du Vouveriiernent dù Guatemala, a poursuivj
sa plaidoirie, ciuil continuera lors de 1'audience que la Cour ,
tiendralundi 21 fovrier à 10 h.30.
La Haye, le 19 fSvrier 1955.
Tlzefollowing informatioi~ from the Registry of the International
Cou-rt of Justice has been cor~mwnicated to the Press:
This rnori~ing theInternationa Court of Justice iield a public
sitting the IVotiebohrn casa (Liechtenstein v, ~uatenda).
KaFtre Kenrj. EolTn, Counselfor the Guatsrnalan Caveriment,
a conthued his statsmeilt, which he will contkpe at the next sittkg
of the Court to held'on Fmnday, February 21st,at 10.30 a.m.
The Hagua, February lqth, 19.55,
- Sitting of February 19th, 1955
Nottebohm (Liechtenstein v. Guatemala) - Sitting of February 19th, 1955