Les rçnscignoncnts cuivmts, onzmnt dv.Groffc clo Ir! Cour
intarmtionc7.1c dc Justico,scnt mis 3 la disposition dc ln presse:
h cours dcs onze audiences tcnucs par lc Cour du lmdi 26 0.u
s~aricdi31 octobre 1959 cn la sccon&cphese Zc 1'cffaire clu droit da
passacc sur tcrritoircindien (~ortu~cl c, fndc) , 14. Galvao Tcllco
et F.! ,ourquin, conseilsdu Gouvcrncrzcnt du Portugal, ont poursuivi
c£ tcrxinC la plaidoirie on répliquedc cc Gouvcrnc~cnt,
Lz prcchzinc! cudionccde ln Cour on cette affaire srouvrira le
novcnbrc 1959 k 10 hcwcs 30, pour ontcndro la slnidoiric
mra 3
cn duplique du Gou-ifernanent dé 1iTnde.
Ln Bayc , Ic 31 octobrc 1959.
The f ollowing information from the Registly of the International
Court of Justiceis communicated to the Press:
In the course of 11 hozrings hold by the Coure froaEtondzy
26 to Saturday 31 October 1959 in th2 second shase of the case
concerning Bight of Passage ovcr Indian territory (~ortugal v. ~ndia),
M. Galvao Telles ,andId, Bourquin, Counsel for the ~overm~nt-of
Portugal, continued?na conple tcd the orzl reply of that Governrlcnt .
The next hsnring in tha caçc will be hcld od j Noverzber 1959 at
10.30 amne,nt mhich tine the oral Rsjoindoron behalf of the
Goverru-lent of India will bcgln.
The Hague, 71 Oc tober 1959 a
Right of Passage over Indian Territory - Hearings of 26 to 31 October 1959