non officiel
Les renseignementssuivants, &mrmt du Greffe de la Cour
internationale de Justice,ont 6t6 mis à la disposition de la
La Cour internationale de Justicetiendrale mardi 26 mai 1959
à 16 heures, au Palais de la Paix,& la Haye, une audience publique
pour la lecturede son arrst sur les exceptionsprglininsiresen
L1 affairerelativeà 1lincident airienda 27 Juillet 1955 (~sxaël c.
~ul~ari e).
La Eaye, le 19 mai 1959.
I.C.J. I
The followinginformation from the Registry of the Ir_ternational
Court of Justice has been copmmicated to the Press:
Tho InternationaC lourt of Justice ~vill holda public sitting
st the Peace Palace, The Bague, on Tuesday,May 26th, 1959, at 4 p.rn.?
for thedelivery of its Judgment on the Prelininary Objections in the
case concerning the Aerial Incidentof July 27th, 1955 (~srael x.
The Bague, May 19th, 1959,
- The Court will read its Judgment on the Preliminary Objections on May 26th, 1959
Aerial Incident of 27 July 1955 (Israel v. Bulgaria) - The Court will read its Judgment on the Preliminary Objections on May 26th, 1959