Interhandel (Switzerland v. United States of America) - Hearings of November 17th, 1958

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Number (Press Release, Order, etc)
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The fallowing hf orrnat ion roi1the Regiçtry of the Mernet ional
Court of Justice has been corn-unicated to the Tress:

Today, November L%h, 1956, ttie Internationa.1 Co'irb of Jgst ice
held two public Hearings in the Iriterhandel Case (~reliminary 0bjections)
between Switzerlan dnd the -United States of herica, during which the
Agent and Go-i'gent for the Swiss Goverment, M. Sauser-Hal lnd
PiiG.uggenheim presented the oral re joinder for their Goverment.

The President declared the oral proceedhgs closed.

Tho Haaie, November 17th, 1958.

Communique no 58/29

on officiel)
Les renseignements suiva~ts, émanant du Greffe de la Cour interna-
tionale de Justice, ont 6th mis à h. disposition de la Dresse:

La.Cour internattonale do Justice a tellu aujourdfhui 17 novembre
1959 deux audiences publiquesdans lraffaire de 1'1nterhandel (&cep-
tions pr~limkmires) cntre la Suisse et les E.tats-Unis dl!&rique, au
cours desquelles l'agent et le co-zgent du Gouvernement suisse,
31.Sauser-Hall et iiI:Guggenhelm,onp rgsenté la dupllque orale au nom
de leur Gouvernement.

Le PrGsident a prononce In, clbture de la proc6dure oraler

La Haye, le 17 novembre 1958

ICJ document subtitle

- Hearings of November 17th, 1958

Document file FR
Document Long Title

Interhandel (Switzerland v. United States of America) - Hearings of November 17th, 1958
