Application of the Convention of 1902 Governing the Guardianship of infants (Netherlands v. Sweden) - Hearing of October 4th, 1958

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Number (Press Release, Order, etc)
Date of the Document
Document File

The following idsrnation ri'roth? Redskry of the Znternntional
Court of Justice îs corrj~m~icatzd to the Press:

Ton-ax, October 4th, 199, ?.t4 the Lqterndtional Court of
Justice held a hearing in the case çoncvrnlng the c?~lication of the
Convention of 1902 gorrern51g tiîeg~~~?rdi~anshLof infants (!~;rstherlsnds
- .Sireden).

M. Petrén tmd Profsssor Rolix, Courisel for the St.redish Cswemixmt,
cor.cI.uded tlic9se h repk for t;-~a+,Coy~zri-iment.

The President the orcl proceedings closed.

CO~L%K&..~. 5y!?
--+-($on officiel

Les renseignement suivava&s, ém~nmt du Greff c de La Cour
bternationale de Justice, ont ét6 mis à la disposition de la presse:

Aujcurdrhui, i+octobre 1?53, à 16 heures, 12 Cour i3ltelmationale
de Justicz a tenu une ~~uclienceen 1~afS;iire rel~tiv-e A 1r:zyplicaticin
de lu Convention de 1902pour régler lit tutelle des nrheurs [PIL~S-U~S
c , ,Suède.

W, Petrgn ot le Professeur Eemi FLolVi, Conscils du Gouvernernent
de la, Suède,ont ter+nin& 11o:qosG c!~ 1:;réponse de CG gouvernemeni.

Le President pronoace 12 clôture de le procSdure ordo.

Document file FR
Document Long Title

Application of the Convention of 1902 Governing the Guardianship of infants (Netherlands v. Sweden) - Hearing of October 4th, 1958
