Application of the Convention of 1902 Governing the Guardianship of infants (Netherlands v. Sweden) - Sittings of September 30th, 1958

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C.I*J* comulniqué no 5y
on officiel

Les renseigneinents sihLvants, émanant du GreTf e de la Cour inter-

nationale de JusLice, unt étéwis A la dispositio de la presse:

La Cour inkernational de Justice s tenu 2ujeurdlhui, 30 septembre
1958, deux audiences cri liaffeire relative 5 1lapplication de la
Convention de 1902 pour régler la tutelle des ii~ineurs (pays-Pas c,
~ukde) ,

E,Rolin, Frofesseu r 1tUriiversité Libre de Eruxelles, a pour-
suivil'exposéde ia thése du Gouvernenent suédois,

La Haye, le 30 sepicE.n&re 1958,


I,C.J, Communiou éo, 58 16
-*d *

l'nei0110~ijng information from the Registly of'tne
In"tm2t;ional Court of,icehns been comniunica%ed ta the

Toàay, Septcmber ZOth? lqSd, tlhe Tnternation~l Court of
Justics heldtv~o sittirigs in the case conceming the application
of the Convention of 1902 soveming the guardi.snçhip of infants
(tdetherlands-v. Sweden) ,

If. Rolin, Froressor nt the Free University af Erussels,
continued the st?,ie:,!enof th¢ ccse for Sweden,

Tne Hagrie, Septenbel-.3Qth, 195s

Document file FR
Document Long Title

Application of the Convention of 1902 Governing the Guardianship of infants (Netherlands v. Sweden) - Sittings of September 30th, 1958
