Right of Passage over Indian Territory (Portugal v. India) - Representatives of the Parties at the oral hearings

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Number (Press Release, Order, etc)
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Comnuniqué No. 57/20
(unof ficial)

Th3 i'0110t.~Lrg inoimztionf yo;n .theRcgistry of -the Intern3tional
Court of Juçtici: h~.sSeen comminicate do ihc Press,

nie Iate:maticnal G ourt of JustLc e wikl mot on l:Iond;t;September
23rd, 1357 st 4. -,g. Li? the Pùxe P~Jace nt The Hase,

The sittirig !ni,lbe the Ijrst fi!the ord I~eri~ringsin the case of
the Xghi of fzsszge ovcr India Territorj b~ought bzfore the Court on
Decmber 22i16, 1975 by Application of the Govsm;;?ent of the Partuguese
Fiepublic i,$ri.ins"ul1Re-irblic of India.,

,Oni?pril 15th, 1957 n document setling out certain Preliminary
Objections ta thz juisdiction of th2 Court was filed Sy the C-wzrninent
of India. Thz Observztions 2nd Suimissions of th? Portugue se Cavement
in regilrd '-Othese Objcctionz r;rerefiled claAugust l5th, 1957 ?ad the
¢?.se ht~~ since thaï, hem r2;lcl.for her?.riilg4

Durkig the conL?g ho:iTings, the Court trill deal vAth the Prelimbary

The siiting :;,rj_be G.evotcd firsk to the inst:illatior? of the

Hon, Lk+hor~cd ;il? Currb- Chagl?~.,Chief Justice of Tcimb~, and of Dr, Mmuel
Fernandes, former Direc toi--G~wcrp.l of tIîûP.his try or" Justice ?ad memb er
of the sac '~;~oncr Int cril~,tioiiaZel~~tio~is OS .the "~;mara Cor~ora'civa''
(UPpsr ~oiilsa), ~:l-ioLi-accord;ace viath :irticle 31 of th2 Statu-Ge of the
C~urt, Iln,vshem dcsign;:ted by th? Goverfment of India and thû Govermmt
02 Portugal, ïespcctiveLv, Lo sit üs judg¢s ad hoc in tl-iiscese,

Th3 Parties r,~rilSv rv~res?nted es roll~;~~s:


Shri Z,Ii. K-ur, iu-i~bassador of Lqdl?,at The Eirigue,

Shri K,G, Sctalvnd, Attorney GoncrrjL of Incliu,

Th2 Et. Hon, Sir Frmk Soskice, ;:.Ce, ?Tb?s,
former~~ttorney Gencrai, of finglmd,

Profassor C.H,l14 ~'ialdock,G.M,G,, O,Bd,, Q.C.,
CI-iLcl-ieI+ofessor of h51ic Int cmi:tiomL Law
b~ ti12 Ui~ive~sLtg of Oxford,

I Pioiessor P. Guggenheim, Prof essor 07 Int ernz.%ional
LI the L?:..Facult- of the University of Gensva
and of th^ Cradu~,tz 1ns'~itutn of In-L~orn:j.tional
. Studies,

Shri J.M. $Idchi, kg31 Adviser ii- ie I'lhiistry. of
&crinal !LffT.~TS,

The ..., . -

Th3 Gqvernment of the fieriublicof P~rtu~iil:

Ur. Jo5o de 13srros Ferreka da Fonsoc::, Mi3assador
&trr:,ordj,ary ?ad Plenipot antiary of Portugal :r.t
ha Hague,

as Agent,

Prof assor hocêncio Gîlv;^.o Telles, Djrictor of th2 Fiiculbj of
Ii3%of Lisbon, nemborof the Uppsr House (~&~r.ra Corpor?l.tiva),

as Agent, idvocate and Counsel,

NI Pkurice Bour:;uii~, Profcssor xi;.iho Univs~sity of Geneva
2nd at ths Grnduate Inztitute of Intcma-Liangl %udies,

as Acbocate and Cowsel,
Dr, Femk Vaz Pinta,

PL Pierl-c LpJiv~ dlii'yinay,Prof assor atthe Füculty of Lnw
of thc Uziver3ity 03 Grmev:i,

Dr. Helirir;uc 1,klr-tins de CervnlI-io,

Dr. Alz~mdre bbato, Secretsry of tllaCmitre forOrr-~rseas
Historical 3tuclias,

Dr, C~~los b1~~ci:ira Ar37dos Santos, Secretary of thz Massy
of ?ortugril nt The Hague,

as Secretary.

The Hague, Sastember 20th, 1951.

ICJ document subtitle

- Representatives of the Parties at the oral hearings

Document file FR
Document Long Title

Right of Passage over Indian Territory (Portugal v. India) - Representatives of the Parties at the oral hearings
