Interhandel (Switzerland v. United States of America) - Representatives of the Parties at the hearings which will begin on November 5th, 1958

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Comuiiqué 58/21
(Unoff icial)

The following information frornthe Registry of the Znt~rnational
Court of Justice has beien communicatet do the Press.

On Novernbr 5th, 1958, at,the public hearings
will begin in the Interhandel case (~vt-itzerlandx. United States
of hnerica). Thesc hearjngs wlll be devoted tu the PrelUninary
Objections to the Court'sjurisdiction which have been raised by
the Goverment of the United States of america,

It will be recalled that proceedings in this case were
kstituted by an Application filed by the Swiss Government on
October2nd, 1957 (see Communiqué 57/29), followed on October 3rd,
195'7, by a request for the indication of interim rneasures of
protection slikewise i'iled by the Swis s Goverment (see Communique
57/31). By an Order of Octobrr 24th, 1957, the Court Pound that
therv was no nsed to indicate interim measuresof protection,

The Mernorial of the Swiss Goverment was filedon March
13th,1958; on June 16th,1958,theGovermentof the United
States of Anerica filed in the Rcglstry certain Prelrimjnary
Objections to the jurisdiction of the Coud, and on Septembzr22nd,
1958, the Swiss Goverment filed 5ts Observations and Submissions
on these Objectians. Since that date the case has bcen ready
for hearing in sa far as the Objections are cancerned,

Since the Court does not ulclude upon the Bench a judge of
Swiss natlonality t,e 3wlssGovermant has designated M,Paul
Carry, Profesaor at the Facdty of Law of the University of Grneva,

to sit as judge ad hoc.

The Parties have lnformed the Registrythat they will be
represented before the Court as follows:

for the Swiss Goverment:

- M. GeorgesSauser-Hall, Prof essor arneritus of the Universities
of Geneva and I$euchatel,as Agent;

- M, Paul Guggenheim, Professor of the Law Facdty of the
University of Geneva and of the Graduate Institut e of
Internationa Studies, as Co-Agent;

- M, Henri The~enaz, Professorof International Law at the
University oi' Neuchatel, as Counsel and Expert;

arl8 M, Hchael Gelzef, Doctar of brus, Doctor of Lam, and

M. Hans Miesch, Doctor of Lam, First Seçretargof -hbassy,

for the Federal Political Dzpartment, as experts.

for the Goverm-ient of the United States of tmerica:

- The HonourabZe Loftus Becker, Legalkdvisnr of the Department
of State, as Agent;

assist ed by:

- &, Stanley D. Metager, Assistant Legal Adviserfor Economic
!Lffairs, Department of State, and

- Mr. Sidney B. Jacoby, Professor of Law, Georgetown University,

The Hague, November &th, 1958

ICJ document subtitle

- Representatives of the Parties at the hearings which will begin on November 5th, 1958

Document file FR
Document Long Title

Interhandel (Switzerland v. United States of America) - Representatives of the Parties at the hearings which will begin on November 5th, 1958
