Monetary Gold Removed from Rome in 1943 (Italy v. France, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and United States of America) - The Italian Government deposits a document entitled "Ques

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Number (Press Release, Order, etc)
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Les renscigi~ar.lcnts suivcnts F!:.~,1iadut Gnf fc CIC 1~ Cour

intcrnstionalc dc Justice ont étd !:lisà ln clis;~osition r ?la ;_iresse,

L'agent du Gouvernvi,icnt itali~n cn llaffc,irv ~'.el'or czon8taire
pris à Borne en 1943 vicnt dc d&pos&r 2-uGrcff~ dz ln Gour intcrnntion?Jc
de Justice, dans lc cI81ai irpnrti pF.r l~or~omcnnc~ du ler juillet 1953
sour la prdscntation ch L~6i,mire ~k son Gouv~rrio;.l~i~éon cette zffairc,
un docment intitule fTQuestion p_irtSliminzircl'.

Par ord~nnc?.ncc C:.2 novc~~brc:1453, 1:. Cour fkL6 xi 15 ri4ccinbrc
1953 1'exl.iiration ciu dE1z.i ;~csldant laqucl, lc Gouverncrilcrit itz.Heii
pourraprésenterun cx~osé dcrit A cc sujetavcc tous ciocw.~cnks à
llz;~;~ui, zt au 15 f Bvricr 1954 ll~x,>irztion du cl&lai ,)~nc',~nt luqucl
les trois Gouveri~cr,ientscl6fentieurs - Etzt s-Unis d'AK~6rique, Francc,
Royaume-Uni - pourront résen ent eerrs observations ct conclusions.


The following infori~~tion from thc Rcgistry of the Internatianal
Court of Justice has becn corm1uniçztcci to 'th2lrrcss,

The Agent of thc Itz.lian Goverm~ien'cin the cnse of theNonetary
Golcl renoved froa dom2 in 19bj ?las just.beu+c!c>ositcd with th2

Redstry of the Internztioiial Court of Justicc, trTthin tho tirx-liiait
fixzd by the Order of Jldy lst, 1953 for t1.i~sii'sfi11ssion ofhis
Covcrment Is I4emoria1, a docuient zntitlcd "Question prélilliinaire".

By an Order of Novcr?,'sor ad, 1953, thc Court has fixecl Deccmber
15th, 1953 as the tii;i~'-limitiv~ithiizrdiicl-i the Itnlinn Goverment my
grcsent a rmittcn siatc31:ient on the subject, togethsr ?&th doculcnts
in sufl~urt, nnc!,Fcbruary Ijth, 1354 ctsthi: tirnc-lk-fi-trrithiiîhich *
the Goverrimnts of Frtlnco, the Uniter!. Kinp? States

of drrerica my pressnt thcir obsdrvztions sntl sub~ussians .

ICJ document subtitle

- The Italian Government deposits a document entitled "Question préliminaire"

Document file FR
Document Long Title

Monetary Gold Removed from Rome in 1943 (Italy v. France, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and United States of America) - The Italian Government deposits a document entitled "Question préliminaire"
