Monetary Gold Removed from Rome in 1943 (Italy v. France, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and United States) - Sittings of May 12th, 1954

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Comm@ïqué 51;/6
(non officiel)

Les renseignement suivants, émant du Gr9f fe de la Cour
internationale de Justice, ont été m5s h la disposition de La presse:

La Cour internationale de Justicea tenu aujourdfhuideux
audiences en l'affaire de l'ormonétaire (Italie c. France, Etats-
Unis d'Amérique et Royaume-Uni de Grande-Bretagn et diIrlande du

Sir Gerald Fit~~murice, jurisconsulte du Foreign Office, puis

Mr. J.E.C. Fawcett, membre du barreau anglais, ont poursuivi et
termhé leurplaidoirie au nom du Gouvernemen tu.Royaume-Uni.

La prochaine audience slou~rrira demain jeudi 13 mai 16 h,
La parolesera donnéeau Conseildu Gouvernement italien qui pro-
noncera sa plaidoirie en rkponse.

La Haye,le 12 mi 1954.


The following information from the Reglstry of the hter-
national Court of Justice has been comnninicated to the Press:

Ta-day the InternationaC lourtof Justiceheld two public
sittuigs in the Monetary Gald case (1taly v, France,the United States
of Arnerica and the United Bingdom of ~reat- ri tain and Northern
~reland) .

SirGerald Fitzrnaurice, LegalAdviserto the Foreign Office,
and afterwards fi. J.E.C. Fawcett,-Member of the English Bar, con-
tinued and concluded thelr statemeuits on behalfof the Governmen of
the United Kingdom.

The next public sitting will open at 4 p,m. to-morrow,
Thursday, May 13th. The Courtwill hear the Counselof the
Italian Government, who wil1,make his reply.

The Hague, May 1Xh, 195.4,


Document file FR
Document Long Title

Monetary Gold Removed from Rome in 1943 (Italy v. France, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and United States) - Sittings of May 12th, 1954
