Judgments of the Administrative Tribunal of the ILO upon Complaints Made against Unesco - The Court will meet on September 3rd, 1956, to begin its deliberation

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Comm.miqué no 56/14

The f~ll.oi,~.iinf omtion f rom ihs Zegistry of the International.
Court of Justice is co~nunicate do the Press:

The Court wi11 nieet on Se-tember' 3rd, 1956 ,o begin its
deliberations in the natter of the i-equest for an Advisory Opinion
çonceming jiidgn~ants of the .!drmnistretiT vibunal of the International
Lcbour Organisation upon c3rnplz.ints made zgainst UNESCO.

After it has given its Opinion in thisrrintter, the Cou& wlZl held
oral hearings on the Preliminary Objections raised by Narway in the
case of certzin rilomegim loans (?rance v. ~~orway). This aspect of the
case shodd be rsady for hea.ring following the deposit by the French
Go-rir]lnei?of it~ Observation snd Submis sionson August 31st, 1% 6.

During the forbkcoinizrgsession the Court will alsodeal wlth a.
number of adminis trztive m.tt ers,

The Hegue,August 30th) 1956.

Communiquéno 56/14

L,?srenseignement suivants, &manant du Greffe de la Cour inter-
net5ona2e de Justice, ont $té mis à la disposition de la presse:

~a Cour se réunira le 3 septenibse 1956 pour cormencer son déli-
ber4 en l'affaire relative aux jugements rendus p2.rle Tribunal ad-
mAnistr.?,tif de ll0rg~yiisation internationale du Trzva,if sur requêtes
contre l1Uh%SCO (demande d ?.-viconsultatif .)

Aurèsavoir ;-endu son çi.vien cette cffaire, In Courouvrira le
procédure orzle sur les e;:ce,?tioxprSliminnire ssulevlées par La
lilorvége el rlf,?.irrcL,ziive B ce rta.ins emprunts norvégiens (France
c. i~orvege). Cette phrsc de Iln.iflairesera en etat lorsque le Gouver-
nement iranqais nuro depose le 31 zaQt 1956 ses observations et conclu-

Au cours de 13.prochaine session, 1~.Cour trcïte~aégzlementcer-
t~ines questfons 2.binistrstives.

La ~zye, 1e 30 août 1956,

ICJ document subtitle

- The Court will meet on September 3rd, 1956, to begin its deliberation

Document file FR
Document Long Title

Judgments of the Administrative Tribunal of the ILO upon Complaints Made against Unesco - The Court will meet on September 3rd, 1956, to begin its deliberation
