Comm.miqué no 56/14
The f~ll.oi,~.iinf omtion f rom ihs Zegistry of the International.
Court of Justice is co~nunicate do the Press:
The Court wi11 nieet on Se-tember' 3rd, 1956 ,o begin its
deliberations in the natter of the i-equest for an Advisory Opinion
çonceming jiidgn~ants of the .!drmnistretiT vibunal of the International
Lcbour Organisation upon c3rnplz.ints made zgainst UNESCO.
After it has given its Opinion in thisrrintter, the Cou& wlZl held
oral hearings on the Preliminary Objections raised by Narway in the
case of certzin rilomegim loans (?rance v. ~~orway). This aspect of the
case shodd be rsady for hea.ring following the deposit by the French
Go-rir]lnei?of it~ Observation snd Submis sionson August 31st, 1% 6.
During the forbkcoinizrgsession the Court will alsodeal wlth a.
number of adminis trztive ers,
The Hegue,August 30th) 1956.
Communiquéno 56/14
L,?srenseignement suivants, &manant du Greffe de la Cour inter-
net5ona2e de Justice, ont $té mis à la disposition de la presse:
~a Cour se réunira le 3 septenibse 1956 pour cormencer son déli-
ber4 en l'affaire relative aux jugements rendus p2.rle Tribunal ad-
mAnistr.?,tif de ll0rg~yiisation internationale du Trzva,if sur requêtes
contre l1Uh%SCO (demande d ?.-viconsultatif .)
Aurèsavoir ;-endu son çi.vien cette cffaire, In Courouvrira le
procédure orzle sur les e;:ce,?tioxprSliminnire ssulevlées par La
lilorvége el rlf,?.irrcL,ziive B ce rta.ins emprunts norvégiens (France
c. i~orvege). Cette phrsc de Iln.iflairesera en etat lorsque le Gouver-
nement iranqais nuro depose le 31 zaQt 1956 ses observations et conclu-
Au cours de 13.prochaine session, 1~.Cour trcïte~aégzlementcer-
t~ines questfons 2.binistrstives.
La ~zye, 1e 30 août 1956,
- The Court will meet on September 3rd, 1956, to begin its deliberation
Judgments of the Administrative Tribunal of the ILO upon Complaints Made against Unesco - The Court will meet on September 3rd, 1956, to begin its deliberation