Admissibility of Hearings of Petitioners by the Committee on South West Africa - Representatives of the Government of the United Kingdom at the public sitting which will be held on March 22nd, 1956

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Document File

The following information from the Registry of the Internat isnal
Court of Justice has been communicated to the Press:

At the public sitting in the Advisory Opinion concerning the
Achissibility of Hearjngs by the Cmittee on South West Africa which
wihl. beheld on Ylrch 22nd, 1956, at 10,30 a,m,,the International
Court of Justice wfdi hear an oral statement presented on behalfof
the Goverment of the United Kingdom. Her Majesty'sGovernmentwilL
be represented by the Attorney-Genera the Right Honourable Sir Reguiald
Mmingham-Bulfer, Q.G., M.P., assisted by the Peputy Legal Adviser
to the ForeignOffice, Mr. F.A. ValJat, C,bi.G.

The Hague, March Sht, 1956

Les renseignements suivants, hanant du Greffede la Cour
internationale de Justice, ont été mis à la disposition de la presse :
A llaudienc eui se tiendra le 22 mars 1956 à 10h.30dans l'affaire
de l'Avisconsultatif sur la Recevabilité des demandes diaudience
adress6es au Comitédu Sud-Ouest africain, la Cour internationale de
Justice entendra un exposé oral présenteau nom du Gouverneraent du
Royaume-Uni. Le Gouvernement de Sa Majesté Britannique sera representé
par l Attorney-General l, trèshonorable Sir Regiilald kningham
Bull~r, Q.C ., M,F., assisté du jurisconsult;eadjaint au EiinistEirdes
Affaires EtrangGres, 14,F.A. Vdlat , C,PI.G,

La ~aye, le 21 mars 1956,

ICJ document subtitle

- Representatives of the Government of the United Kingdom at the public sitting which will be held on March 22nd, 1956

Document file FR
Document Long Title

Admissibility of Hearings of Petitioners by the Committee on South West Africa - Representatives of the Government of the United Kingdom at the public sitting which will be held on March 22nd, 1956
