Judgments of the Administrative Tribunal of the ILO upon Complaints Made against Unesco - Notification from the Registry of the International Court of Justice to the States Members of the United Natio

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Comrrniniquéno. 5411

Les renseignements suivants &manant d.uGref f¢ de la Cour internat ionale

de Justice ont et6 mis la dispositïon de la presse :

Le Greffe de la Cour international de Justicevient de notifier au
Etats 1jIembres des Nations Uniesauisi qulà l Organisation internationde du
Travail qu'au ternes de liarticle 66, paragraphe 2,du Statut, le Président
les considérai tomme susceptibled se donner des renseignemente n
l'affaire de la force exécutoire des jugements du tribunal administratif
des Nations Unies,affaire soumise à la Cour pour avis consultatif en vertil
diune résolution de 1 'Assemblée géngrale du 9 ddcembrs 1953.

Dans un délai, qui expire le 15 mars 1954, la Cour est disposée $I

recevoir de ces Ftats et de cette Organisation des exposés écrits, La
suitede la procédure,qui comportera le prononcediexposés oraux au cours
draudiences publiques tenues à cet effet, fara l'objetde décisions qui
seront prises rilt&rieurernent,

LiLHaye, le 14 janvier 1954.

CommuniquéNo. 54/1

The following inforr~tion from the Registry of the Internationa lourt

of Justice ha8 bcen commicateà to the press:

The Registrgr of the International Cowt of Justicc has jus% notified
States P'leme sof the United Nations and the Inte rnationd Labour
Organizgtion thât, in eccord,mce with Article 66, paragraph 2, of the
Statute, the President considers them likely to be able to furnish
information on the question of the binding character of awards of the
United NationsAàministratlm Tribund, submitted to the Court for advisory
opinion in pursuuice of a rssolution of the General Assemblyof December Wh,
1953. f

Wfthin a th-lhit fixed at March 15th, 1954, the Court is prepared
to receive written statement s from these Statesand this Organization.
The rest of the procedure,which wilf include the hearing of ara1 statements
at public sittings ta be held for this purpose,will be the subject of
subsequent decisions, .

The Hague, Jmuary Uth, 1954.

Document file FR
Document Long Title

Judgments of the Administrative Tribunal of the ILO upon Complaints Made against Unesco - Notification from the Registry of the International Court of Justice to the States Members of the United Nations and the International Labour Organization
