Nottebohm (Liechtenstein v. Guatemala) - Hearing of November 10th, 1953

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Number (Press Release, Order, etc)
Date of the Document
Document File

The following information from the Rsgistry of the hternat5onal
Court ~f Justice 1~s Scon coiun?-cated "a the Press:

On Tuosday,Movzmbe r Oth, 19 53 the Intzrna,tional Court of
Justicc kzld a public hoaring;ce Pa12ce, The Hague, h. the
NotXcbol~~ic2so b~tvrzza t11e Prjncipality of Liechtenstein ~md thc
ncpublic of Gu~ten?:?l:l. \

On opening the hearlng, the Presidcnt read the f ollokrg tclcgrarn,
which h¢ had r.c:sived on IVovem;i'r3ki, 1953, fmm th2 Winister for
* Forcis hffnirs of tho BqubLic of Guatzrnala md vhich >las tr~nsmitted
to tha Gowt by thc Ch;:,s&dIci.fiaLrcs of tixk Governmei?l; in Paris;

l'In nccordrinc;:instructions frorn bccllency ili-nister Forzip
-2Xfriirs rny countr~have lrionour transcribe to yciu tho follomhg
STOP QUOTL:To hoi~or;:,blEnternztionnl Court of Justice Thc
Hi.gui:STOP Off icially rn~govornaznt roqucsts postponern~nt date
oral proc c,:d5ngsp-ol%n:;rv objcction lack of Jurisdlction UI
dispute 1.iechtcnçtzh rr,Guatemlln sridfixingnew he~uning STOP
h any case WC rapeçt ~djudicate axclusively an prelsminnry
objection by rason oqiry period oompulsory bhsr~.ctsr 09
jurisdlctio nourt in regzrd Euatemniz, STOP Ij?czse negative

decision Cowt on o'ojzciion yrl;wgad, Gmtom?dla rzssrvcs STOPht
to be rcprosmted dispute and rxise further objections
Th;i.nkiliin znt iciption honor:?bls Tribunal STO? Rclul Oscgua$n
Kinistcr For~i~ Affnirs of k::-tom.~la h2ve hono~r presmt to jrou
assur,mccs ::?Syighçonsidzrntioi? - Frr?ncis¢o Lii?;~xes Armdr!
Chargé d ;aff*?irzs of Guatemnlt~ in Fr;!nce ,"

The Presidei~t noted thntthe ilgent ~nd Couilsel for th2
Principality of Lizchtenstcii~ wcrc prcsent5n Coukt :>nd th3.h the
Rapblic of Gur?

Thc!Courtthùn henrd. Dr. SntU1 H. Laewenf cld, IL. B., Agent of
thc Govermznt of Lioch'ccnstein, md ProfessorGeorges Snusar-Hnll,
of Genavr?, Counsel for thctGuvernm?nt, in their orp.1nrgumlzts on
the przlhin::ry objaction to the jurisdiciinn of the Court r::ised by
th¢ Govermsnt of Gir?tem,ln,

Tho Pr:zsident th~n d -clzrod the closure of the oral proce2dings
on this question.

ICJ document subtitle

- Hearing of November 10th, 1953

Document file FR
Document Long Title

Nottebohm (Liechtenstein v. Guatemala) - Hearing of November 10th, 1953
