Rights of Nationals of the United States of America in Morocco (France v. United States of America) - Representatives of the two Governments at the hearings

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Communiqu éO. 52/15

The following information fmm the Registry of the International

Court of Justice has been communicatet do the Press:

On Tuesday July15th,1952,ai 4 p.m, the International Court
of Justice willsit at the Peace FaLace in The Hague for the opening
hearirigin the case concerning the Rights of UationaZs of the United
States of 14foroccobetween France and the Uliited ~tatss. The
representative of the two Governments in Court will be:

For the French Republic (the Applicmt) :

Agent : Prof essorhdré Sros, Legal Adviser to the lbfinistry for
Foreign Af fairS.

Assistant-A.gent : Prof essor Pad Reuter, Assistant Legal Adviser to
the Ministry for Foraigri Affairs,

ExpeAs: M. de Lavergnc, Bspcct

For the ~nited States of Amcrics (the Rcspondent):

Agent: TM Hon. Adrian S. Fisher, The Legal Adviser, Departme*
of tat te;

Counsel: MF. Joseph $1.Swceney, Assistant to The Lcgal Adviser,
Deprtment of State.

Expefis: Mr. John A. Bovey, Consul, United States Conçulata Gaieral,

1. Edwin Lm Smith, Legal Adviser, United States Logation,
PLP.John Z. Utter, First Secrctsry, United Statcs ~ba~s~~,

ICJ document subtitle

- Representatives of the two Governments at the hearings

Document file FR
Document Long Title

Rights of Nationals of the United States of America in Morocco (France v. United States of America) - Representatives of the two Governments at the hearings
