Minquiers and Ecrehos (France/United Kingdom) - The United Kingdom and France submit to the Court a dispute which has arisen between them

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The f~llowii~g information from the Registr~of the Internaticinal
Court of Justice hs been communicated to the Press:-

T~E Gavernment of the United Kingdon of Great Britainand
iIjorthern IreLaad hes filed in the Zegistr;~ of the ilzterrrational Court
of Justice a Special Agraement 'oyvrhich the UrJted Iiingàorn and -rance
submit to the Court a disputa ~which nas arisvn betwen then concer~-ng
sovereigi9ty over the Fiinquiers andZcrehos islet s, The disputerelates
to certain islets and rocks in the Znglish Charnel, sovereigrty over
9 which is claimeci by bot11 States.

The Court is asked to deterpine to trhich of thc t~m Statas
so-ereignty ovzr thcso iskis and rocks bclongs.

The Hague, December ll+th, 1951,

---~!1iuriiquPb. 51/57.,
non-of iiciel. .

Les r~nseignemsnts suivants, Bmanant du Grzffz de la Cour
intzrnationale de sus tic^, ont étd mts 5 la disposition dd ia presse:

Le Go uverzsmanL du Royctrmun-eni de Grande-B:-o tagne et d 'Irlande
du Nord vien'c de déposzr au GrLffz 2s la Cour internationale do Jusiica
un comp~on-ds par Lequ21 1i: Royamo-Uni ct lriYrancc: défkrcnt h 72 Cour

un difF4randqui lzs op>0sS concel-nant la soutr&rzindt8 sur Ics flots
des i';il~q?lixrCV des Zcrchous. 11 s'agitdtîlots et de rochers situes
dans la i,:,zri_et dont les deurr Ztets sv co:~t~steilt la souverali_fiet&,

La Cou pst invitkc à clire auclu.oliIcç cieux &taks a,ppartiont
la çouv~.rainét8 sur ces flotset rochers,

ICJ document subtitle

- The United Kingdom and France submit to the Court a dispute which has arisen between them

Document file FR
Document Long Title

Minquiers and Ecrehos (France/United Kingdom) - The United Kingdom and France submit to the Court a dispute which has arisen between them
