Les renseigne?icnts suivants Srnanant du Greffe de la Cour
internktional de Ji~st,i.coxitété corr~~~u~iir~às la Presse :
La Cour intcrnationnl eo Justice a tom aujourd'hui vendscdi
19 octobre 1951 dcw nudicnccs pcnùat losquelles Sir Eric Seck~tt,
Agent du Gourror~lutii~ndu Roya1,mc-Uni, a poiirsulvi la r6plique orale
de co Gouvernement ci-L1aff niTc.anelo-norvii?gionnc des p~çhcrics,
A 1'auclj.ence quislouvrira demain 20 octobre, Sir Eric Beckc'ct
reprendra la parole pourterminur non expose.
La Hays, 1c.13octobre 1951.
Thc following informtion from thc Registry of the htcrnational
Court of Justice has beon contmiicatcd to the Fross :
The Intcrnat Lon,~lCourt of Justice to-day r ri dey,0cto'n.m 19t11,
1951) hold two hearing~ in the courscof dich Sir Eric Seckott,
Agent for tht:United Lkngdon C-ovcrnmnt, continued thzt Gavomment 's
oral reply in the ihglo-Nowogi~.n Fisharlûs case.
At the he2ring to be heLd to-morrow, OctoScr 20th,Sir Eric
Seckctt will concludc his addross.
Tne Hcguz, Octobur LStR, 1951.
- Public hearings of 19 October 1951<i><small>(Bilingual version)</i></small>
Fisheries (United Kingdom v. Norway) - Public hearings of 19 October 1951<i><small>(Bilingual version)</i></small>