Fisheries (United Kingdom v. Norway) - Public hearings of 27 September 1951

Document Number
Document Type
Number (Press Release, Order, etc)
Date of the Document
Document File

Cam-riuniquéNo. 51/32.
- Unoff ic ial .

Thz followin:; iEfo~lli~tion fron the Rf?li.stry of thc In-t;criz?tionr?l
Court; of Ju~tici: bas bc:cn ~or.~ur,ic~ted $0 the I'rcss i

The Inteynn.Girinal Co~rt :if Jastic t: t o-rlny (~klirsday , c13'c)er
27t?i, 1351)h~ld Cw ~ittil3.g~~ durin: thc coursc of r&iich thc oral
procecdirirs in tlie F:i::l>;!rlccosc (Unitecl i:i>gc!cinof Grent Dritain

ad Northern Irclnnd v. ~orway$ werc continued,

Sir 7;rt-i~Beckett, Agent for the IJnitcii Kingdon, concludcd his
nrgurlit:ntii-isupiiort of Giic Eritish ¢,-.SC.

Tho Attorney-G,:ncr.:l, :Zr Fr,-.nESmkic~, R.C., will addrùss
thc Court t3-r-~oi-rw (~ridn~, Scptcmbcr 28th) r!t thc public hcnrhg
br~inning ~,t10.39 2,n. , whcr?.hc: will contj-nue tllc nrgument in
support af zho Eritish cnüc.

Thc Hague, Szptsm-ber 27th, 1951.

ICJ document subtitle

- Public hearings of 27 September 1951

Document file FR
Document Long Title

Fisheries (United Kingdom v. Norway) - Public hearings of 27 September 1951
