Anglo-Iranian Oil Co. (United Kingdom v. Iran) - The Court will hold a public hearings on 30 June 1951

Document Number
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Number (Press Release, Order, etc)
Date of the Document
Document File

~o&iqué No, 51/26
(unof icial)

The follotnng information from the Registqy of the International

Court of Justice has beea communicated to the Press:-

The International Courtof Justice has fixed Saturday, June Xth,

1951, at 10,N a.m.for the opehing of the public sittings for the

hearing of the parties with regard to the request for the indication

of interirn measures of protection in the hglo-Iranian QI1 Co. Case

(~nited Kingdom - Prm) .

The Applicatio or the indication of interim.measure of

protection was filed in the Registry on June 22nd, 1951.

The Hague, June 25th, 1451,

ICJ document subtitle

- The Court will hold a public hearings on 30 June 1951

Document file FR
Document Long Title

Anglo-Iranian Oil Co. (United Kingdom v. Iran) - The Court will hold a public hearings on 30 June 1951
