The following information from the Rogistry of the International
Courtof Justice has bsen comunicated to th2 Press:
The Internat ional Court of Justice held Lwo public sittings to-day,
April llth, 1951, in the case concernin the Reservations to the Convention
on Genocide.
Px, Kerno, Assistant Secretary-General of the United Nations,
cuncluded the statement which he had begun yesterday. Mr, Roseme,
repres~ntativs of Israel, then stated the vicweof his Govemmerit an the
question. Mr, Roszmc will conclude his statement to-morrow, Thursday,
April 12th.
The Hague, April Ilth,1951,
- Public hearings of 11 April 1951
Reservations to the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide - Public hearings of 11 April 1951