Fisheries (United Kingdom v. Norway) - Public hearings of 26 September 1951

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Gommuniaué No. 51/31.
Unofficial. .

Tho f ollawbg iriformation frm the Registrgof the International
Court of Justicc has hwn comicated to the Press :

Thc Internaiional Court of Justice to-dag (~edncsdayS ,eptember
26th, 1951)held two si-ttings, duririg the course of eich thc oral
procecdings Ln thc Fisbcries case (Unitod Kingdom of Great Britain
md i\lorthernIrcland v, ~orwa~) werc continued.

3ir Eric Bcckr:tt,Aguntfor the United Klngdom, continucd bis
argwrcnt In support of tkiu British casc. HI: intorruptc dis addrcss

whilo Corniandur IÇorincdy,latc of the Royal PJavy, st his rcquest,
cxplainud, vrith tli~sidof diagrams displayed in Court, the methods
follow~d bg shfpsf csptains ta discovvr the positionof thoir craft
in order to cnsure that thcy wcrc not ~thirl territorial waters.
Sir Eric Beckett wi11continuu his speech to-morrovr (Thursday,
Scptcmber27th) 2t the public hearing begixiing at 10.30 a,m.

Thc Hague, Scptcmber ~6th~ 1951.

ICJ document subtitle

- Public hearings of 26 September 1951

Document file FR
Document Long Title

Fisheries (United Kingdom v. Norway) - Public hearings of 26 September 1951
