Communigié No. 51/30.
Unoff icial.
The folloxing in£ crm,iion from the Regis trg of fie International
Courtof Justice has been communicated to the sress :
The public hearincs iri the Fisheries Case betwcen the United
Kingdom of Great Britaln andNorthcrn Irclafidand theElngdorn of
ldorway commenc~d to-day, ~z~t<rnber 25th , 1951, at Il ofclock in
the Peace Palace, Th¢ Hague.
2ftar the Prvsidentr spenhg speech, The Rif;ht Konourable
Sir Frank Soskice, II.C,,M,P., Attorncy Gcneral, addressed the Court
-s Gomsel on bchalf of the Govcrnm~nt of the United Kingdom, Sir
Xric Bcckctt, K.G.I4.G., IC,C,, Agent of +,hcUnitcd Kingdom Govermant
then bcgm' his $tatement, vih-ich wil1 bc continued ci:!.lednesdey,
Septnmb~r 26th, 1951, at 10.30s,m.
The Hague, Septaber 25th, 1951,
- Public hearing of 25 September 1951
Fisheries (United Kingdom v. Norway) - Public hearing of 25 September 1951