Commurilguê N° 3-'i
The follotoling information, emanating from the Registry
of the International Court of Justice, has been communicated to
the Press:
The International Court of Justice will hold a public
hearing at the Peace Palac8, The Hague, on Friday, !-"fay28th, at
4 p.m., for the delivery of the Advisory Opinion which it has beep
requested by the General Assembly of the United Nations to give
concerning the conditions of admission of a State to }1embcrship
in the United Nations (Article 4 of the Charter of the United
The H2.gue, May 22nd, 1948.
- The Court will give its Advisory Opinion on 28 May 1948
Conditions of Admission of a State to Membership in the United Nations (Article 4 of the Charter) - The Court will give its Advisory Opinion on 28 May 1948