1,C.J. commuriiquPi No. 51/4
(unoff icial)
The follot~ring infom~~tion has been unoff icially
comiinicatecl to the Fress hg the Hegistrg of the International Court
of <Justice.
On Mnrch lSth, 1951, the Chnrgi! dfAffaires of Cube st The
Hngüc trannv-i tted to the Registrar of the Int ern~~tional Court of Justice
n com1~nicntion dntcd Hnvcna, Febniarjr l5th, 1951, by which thc Gavern-
mcnt of Cuba, rcfarrin~ to art. 63 of the Statute of the Court and
referring to the H3y1 de 1,:Torre C8se (~oï~mbi a PC~U), stated to the
Gour5 j-tnvlews on the interpretation of thc Convention on Asyh,
si qncd nt Havana on Fcbrunry 2Qth, 1928.
Furnuant .t,omticle 66 of the gules of. Court, this communication
will Se notifiecl to thc parties concerned, snd to thc I!kmbers of the
Unitclci Nntionr; through the Secrstzry Gencraland to other States entitled
to nppenr bcf ore t,he Court.
The Hnguc, ?Jarch 15kh, 1451.
Haya de la Torre (Colombia/Peru) - Communication of Cuba on the Convention on Asylum