Reservations to the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide - Fixing of the time-limit for the filing of written statements

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Number (Press Release, Order, etc)
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The followlng inform,tion from the Registry of the International
Court of Justice has been eomrnunicatsd ta tlie press:

By Orderof Deccmber Ist, 1950, thePresidcnt of the International
Courtof Justico has fixdd Saturday, January 20th,1951, as th0 date of
sxpiryof thc tim-lhit for thc submjssion of written statoments inthe
matter of tho advisory opinion on tho qucstionof reservations ta the

Convr2ntianlon th0 Frcvontion and Punishmmt of the Crima of Cenocide,
I . on behalf of the Statcs having bcen invitad to signthat Convention and
by thc International Labour Organisation axid the Organizatioo nf
herican States. '6koscStstzs and Or~mizations arc considered as
likcly to bc ablo to furninh information to tho Court on the question
(~rticlc 68, paragraph 2, of the Statutc),

It will bo rmemborod that the requestfor advisory opinion vas
submitto do tha Cowt by Rcsolution of thc Ganeral Assembly of the
United Nations of ?<ovcrnbcr 16th, 1/50, The Court was invitcd to give
its opinion on the followin guestions:

"In so fer as concurns the Convcntion on tho Prevention and
Punishmcint of tho Crimc of Grmacido jn the ment of a State

ratifying or accad5.n~ to the Convuntiori subjcct to a rcservation
mdc cithdr on ~atification or on accession, or on sigaturc
followcd by ratification:

1. Cm the rcsurving Statn be regardeà as being a party to
tho Conveiztian whilestill msintaining itn reservation
if tho ros~rvatioi ns objccted to by ona or more of the
partios to the Convention but not by others ?

JI. If the answm to qucstion I is in the sfflmativa, what
is the cff~ct of th2rvnarvakiu ans bctween the ressrving
State and :

(a) Tho partics tlkiicobjcct 50 th2 rascrvetion ?

III, 2hat would ho the lceal sff~ct as rogardsthe answzr to
question1 if PI objection ta 3"rcsorvntion is made :

(a) By 2.signatory vrhich has ilot yet ratif ied ?

(bj By a St2tz entitlodta sign or accedcbut which
has not yet donc 30 ?,It

Tho Hague,Dccemberlst, 1950.

ICJ document subtitle

- Fixing of the time-limit for the filing of written statements

Document file FR
Document Long Title

Reservations to the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide - Fixing of the time-limit for the filing of written statements
