Asylum (Colombia/Peru) - Public hearings of 26 September 1950

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Communiqué No. 50&
(unofficial) .

Thc following informtiori from the Registry of the Internatiolial
Court of Justice has Bem comnuilicc'ted to the F'ress:

To-day, Septymber 26th, thc two f irst public hearings wefe held
by the Internc?tional., court of Justice in the Colon~bian Foruvian ksylum

After the ~rehdent, it. Easdevant 1x.d opened this morningts
Sitting, the Court pro5eeded to installthc two Judges ad hoc dcsignated
by Icru and Colombia, .i.ii.Alayza y Paz Soldan 2nd Caiccdo Castilla
respectivoly, who made the solemn declaretion provided for in the
Statutc of the Court.

Thcn Frofesçor Yepes, Agent for the Government of Colombia,
bcfore beginning to preseilt his couïitry's case, strcssed tlic importai~ce
of the prescnt case in the historj~ of internetional jurisdiction.
It was indoed the first the that two iunerican countries referred a
dispute to the Internatiorlal Court of Justice.

Then 1% Vasquez,' Sccretnry-General of the iCinistry of Foreign
Rffairs of Colombia continued the arpent on behelf of Coloï 11'12. .

The continuation of the state~cnt hy the reprcsentztivcs of

Colombio will takc place to-morrow morning, Wedncsday Scptmber 27th,
at 10.30.

The Hs,guc, 26th September, 1950.

ICJ document subtitle

- Public hearings of 26 September 1950

Document file FR
Document Long Title

Asylum (Colombia/Peru) - Public hearings of 26 September 1950
