Interpretation of Peace Treaties with Bulgaria, Hungary and Romania - Public hearing of 28 June 1950

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CommuniquN éo. 50/27,

Th8 folbwing information from the Registry of the International

Court of Justice has been comunicated to the press:

On Nebesday, dune 28th,the hearings contliluedZn the second

phase of the advisory case concerning tha Interpretatio of Peace

Treaties with Bulgaria, Hungary and Romania. The 'repreçentatia vfe

theGoverment of thz United Kingdom, Mr. S. G, Fitunaurice,

.continue dnd concfudad his oral statement bagu at tha end of

yesterday jsitting;

+In presenting the views of hisGovernment, Mr. Fitzmauric relied

interaliaupon the Opinion delivered by the International Court of

Justice on March 30th,1950, in the firstphase of the samê casa,
consideration of a ganeral kgal and doctrinal character and the

actual wording of the arbitratfoa clauses of the PeaceTreaties, He

concluded by requesting the Courtto gfve an affirmativa enswer to

Questions III and IV..

ICJ document subtitle

- Public hearing of 28 June 1950

Document file FR
Document Long Title

Interpretation of Peace Treaties with Bulgaria, Hungary and Romania - Public hearing of 28 June 1950
