International Status of South West Africa - The Court will hold public hearings beginning on 16 May 1950

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Tho follovring informatiof rom the Regist1-y of the

International Court of Justice has-boen comunicatcd to thc


Beghing on Tueçday, 16th May, 1950,at 10.30 a.m,

the Court wiLl hold public meetingsin ordcr to hetlr ihc oral

statements in the Adwisory Case conccrnin he International Status

of South Wos-tAfrica whichwiU be presentcd on bchalf of the

Sccretary-Gen~rcl of the Unitcd Matioizs and of such Govermentis

as may wish to do so: so far the Govemments of the Union of

South Africa and of the Philippins Republichave signifl ed their

intention of having oral stntements prosentod on thoir behalf.

The following Government hsave filcd written statcmcnts

in the smo case: Egypt, the Union of South Africn, the united

States of ,Imçrrica, India2nd Paland,

Following a rcquest by the Boardof Directors of the

Pnterm£ioml Leaguc for the Bights of &hn, th6 Court statcd that

it was preprcd to receive from the Leoyc bcforo 10th April,

1950, a witten statemeilt of thc infom.tion which ~13s likcly to

aSsistit in considering the legal questions which thc General

Assernblyput to the Court,

Tho Hague, 23rd March, 2950.

ICJ document subtitle

- The Court will hold public hearings beginning on 16 May 1950

Document file FR
Document Long Title

International Status of South West Africa - The Court will hold public hearings beginning on 16 May 1950
