Communiqué No. 50/4,.
The fallowîng information from the Registry of the International
Court of Justice has been communicate to the Press:
The Caurt will hold public hearings, beginning on*Thursday,
February 16th,1950, at 11 a.m., in the advisory case'conceming the
cornpetence of the General Assembly for the admiss'ion of new Members
to the United Nations.
The Secretary-Eenerd of the United Nations as well as the follow-
.ing Goverments have availed themselves of the right to submit written
statements on the question, U.S.S.B., Ukrairiian Soviet Socialist
Republic , Byelomissian Soviet socialis 'tRepublic , Egypt , Czechoslovaki ,a
U.S.A.,Argentina. ,The French Governent has announced that an oral
statement would be presented on its behalf at the publichearing by M.
0 Georges Scelle, Honorary Prof essor of the Facufties of Law, )?ember of
the International Law Commission of the UnitedNations.
The Hague, January 30th, 1950.
Conditions of Admission of a State to Membership in the United Nations (Article 4 of Charter) - The Court will hold public hearings beginning on 16 February 1950