Reparation for injuries suffered in the service of the United Nations - The public hearings will begin on 7 March 1949

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The following informztion from the Registry of the International

Court of Justice has been communicate td the Press:

The Jliternstianal Court of Justice will ho13PublicSittkgs

b~ginning onMarch ?th, 1949, at the Peace Pdace, TheHague, to hear

statements on the question submittcd to itfor Advisory Opinion by a

Resolution of the Gencral Assmbly of the UnitedNations, dated

December 3rd, 1948. The question relates to reparation for injuries

suffered in the serviceof the UnitedNations.

The Governments of Frmce, of the United Kingdom and of Belgiwn

have announced thet Stztementw sill be m~de ontheir behalf as foliows:

For France: M. Charles Chaumont, Professor of the FacuLty of Lew;

For the United Kin~dom: Mr, G,G.Fitzmauric e,cond Legal

Adviser to the United Kingdon Govement;

For Bel~iwn: His Gcellcncy M. Georges Kaeckenbeeck DgC .L9,

Envoy Extraordinary ad iviinisterPlenlpotcntiary , Chief of the Semice

for Peace Conferences and International Organizations at the Ministry

for Foreign Affairs,

The Court wlll also hear Mr. Ivan Kerno, Deputy Secretary-General

of the United Nations in charge of the Legal Depaï-tment, ho will

make 3.statement on behalf of the Secret~ry-General.

a Principal Director in the Secretarizt., will accarnpanylhim as-


Mr, Kerno wiïi spezk first, ad will be followed by the Govern-

mental Representat ives,

The Hague, March lst,1949.

Document file FR
Document Long Title

Reparation for injuries suffered in the service of the United Nations - The public hearings will begin on 7 March 1949
