Protection of French Nationals and Protected Persons in Egypt (France v. Egypt) - Filing by France of an Application instituting proceedings against Egypt

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I.C.J. Commnnigué No. 49/17

The following information, emanating ffrom the International

Court of Justice, has been nnofficially communicated to the Press:

On October l3th, 1949, the French Government, referring to

Artich 13 of the Nontreux Convention of f<Iay8th, 1937, regarding

the Abolition of the Capitulations in Egypt, bas filed with the

Registry of the International Court of Justice ,-throughthe French

Ambassador at The Hague, duly authorized to this effect, an Application

instituting proceedings against the Royal Governw.ent of Egypt. The

French Government begs the Court to judge and declare that the measures

-taken by the Egyptian Government against the persans, rights and

interests of French citizens and protected persans on Egyptian

territory are contrary to the principles of international law and the

r·Iontreux Convention of May 8th, .1937, and that the Egyptian Govern-

ment owes cqmpensation to the French Government for damage suffered

by the latter in the persans of the victims of such measures.

The dispute conccrns various French citizens and protccted

persons placed in concentration camps by the Egyptian Government in
1948, and the sequestration of property bclonging to French citizens

and protectcd persans, by application of an Order of the Egyptian

Government rolated to tho Palcstinian conflict.

The customary notifications have been made.

The Hague, October 14th, 1949.

Document file FR
Document Long Title

Protection of French Nationals and Protected Persons in Egypt (France <i>v.</i> Egypt) - Filing by France of an Application instituting proceedings against Egypt
