Asylum (Colombia/Peru) - Filing by Colombia of an Application instituting proceedings against Peru

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r.c.J. 18

The following inforLJation, eme.nating from the Hegistry of the Inter­
national Court of Justice,· has been U..'1officially communicated to the Press:

It is \lfell L'Tlownthat a dispute has uxisted for sone time
between Colombia and Peru following tho granting of asylum by Colombia,
in the Colonbian Embass~ in· Lim, wrongly Peru contends, to a Peruvian
On October 15th, 1949, the two States filed with the Registry
of the International Court of Justice c.n agreement dated August 31st,

1949 under Hhich they accept th::; Court' s jurisdiction and agree to rcfer
to it the dispute in quç stion, deela ring tlL:.t ei th er of the Parties could
institute proc·oodings by application without such nn act bcing rogarded
as unfriendly.

Pursur,nt to this agreonent, the Colombüm Govcrnrùent, relying on
th8 Bolivario.n Agreanent on Extradition of July 18th., 1911 and the Con­
vention on AsylUJJl adopted and signed at th~ VIth futi0rican International

Conf0rence of 1928, filed nn Application instituting proc0~din on sthe
smJ.e date, i.e. October 15th~ 1949.

·The Colombin.n Governr.1ent requests the Court to decide the
following questions :

First guestion: \'fithinthe limits of the obligations resulting
in pc' from the:: Bolivario.n Agreement on Extradition of July 18th,
1911, e.nd the CDDVGntion on ths Right of Asylum of February 20th, 1928,
bath in force bctwecn Colombin and Pcru e.nd, in gc:mer.::ü, from Amcrican
international Law, was Colombia compet0nt as the country granting asyl~~,
to qu:üify tho offence for th0 purposes of asylur.1 ?

Second guestion: In the specifie case11under exnr,rina.tion, wns
?cru, as the territori-3.1 Sto.te, bound to give the g,uar2.ntios necessary
for the depnrture of the refugee, with due regard to the inviolability oî
his persan, froEl th0 country 11 ?

The custor:tEJ.ry·notifications have bccn i7~nde.

The follo>ring have bcen appointed Agents by the two Stê::tes

Colombi;_;,: Professor J.H. Yepes
Peru: lVi, Carlos Sa.yan Alva rez.

The HLlgue, Octo,berl?th, 1949.

ICJ document subtitle

- Filing by Colombia of an Application instituting proceedings against Peru

Document file FR
Document Long Title

Asylum (Colombia/Peru) - Filing by Colombia of an Application instituting proceedings against Peru
