CommuniauéNo. 50 2.
The follornnng' information from tke 3egistry of the International
Court of Justice bas been c~mm~icated to the Fress :
In the Colombian-Peruvian Asylum caze, the Colombian and Peruvian
Governments, in accordance with the terms of Article 31, paragraph 3,
of the Statute, have respective1.y chosen as judgead Iloc to sit in
the case :
- The Colombian Governmeïit: Dr. José Joaquin Caicedo Castilla,
(Statesman and Professor of Inter-
national Law; delegate of his
country at several international
conf erences) ;
- The Peruvian Government: Dr. Luis Alayza y Paz Soldan,
(Prof essor of Law, former 1.Iinister
of Justice and of Labour and
Arnbassador of Peru to Colombia),
The Hague, January llth, 1950.
- Appointment of Judges <i>ad hoc</i> by Colombia and Peru
Asylum (Colombia/Peru) - Appointment of Judges <i>ad hoc</i> by Colombia and Peru