Corfu Channel (United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland v. Albania) - Order extending the time-limit for the submission by Albania of its observations

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Number (Press Release, Order, etc)
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The followinginformation from th Registry of the International
~ 1
1 Cou~t of Justice has been commuriicated to the Press :

M. Guerrero, /JLcting-iresidentof the Internation21 Court of

Justice in the CorfuChannel Case, has made an Order on June 24th,

1949, axtending from June 25th to JulyIst, 1949, the the-limit for

the submission, by the Albanian Goverment, of its observations on

the.amoun tf conpe:~~ation clai~ed by the United Kingdom Cfivernment.

'* Thss ext,ensionhas been granted at the rcquest of the Albanian

* Govemei~t. A:;a eonsecpence, the two subsequeiitthe-limits bave

also been extended by five dayç.

Thf? Hague, June 25th, 1949,

ICJ document subtitle

- Order extending the time-limit for the submission by Albania of its observations

Document file FR
Document Long Title

Corfu Channel (United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland v. Albania) - Order extending the time-limit for the submission by Albania of its observations
