Communiqu4No. 49/3
Unof Sicial
The following information f rom the Hegistry of the Intern~Lional Court
of Justice has been communicated to the Press:-
Themissionof naval experts, which had been instructed by Llie Coiid
to 'visit Sibenik (Yugoslavia) and Saranda (ALbania) to carrg out in-
vestigations and tests in conncction witli the Gorfu Channel Case, rr-e-i;urneà
to The Hagueyesterday, Febmary lst, 1949, The task of th'? expzrts W~S
greatly faeilitated by the helpful masures of the kgoslav and Albanian
Qoverhents, and by the eu-operation of the local authorities. The
experts, \ho wzre accompania dy one reprcsentative each of th^ two phrti~s
to tha disputc (United Kingdom and ~lbania) , roported tha't they had beon
able to see evùrything they required for the discharge of their mission,
Tha Deputÿ-Registrar ,ho, as the Court's reprcsontstive, wss
responsible for relations witb the authorities of the Stztes through xhose
terpitories the experts wuld pass, or to which they wcre proccedlng, al.50
acsoinpanicd the Wission.
The ?lission .tr:zvcll.ed
Eight days in al_l wcro occupied by the journcy.
tn a K.L.M. aeroplsuie, specially chnrtered for the occasion. Its cuptzin
was the well-known Kcthcrlands plLot M. K~ouwel, As a result,it wls
possible to Adhcre precisely to the pre-arrmged tbnc-t:%bble for dvgry siege
af th2 journcy.
As it has been staiied in somaPress telcgrms that shots iiIBLsfired
at the aaroplme , the Registry tzkes this op::ortunity of dcçlitrinc sucb
reporb to bs uttcrly unfounded.
The Hague, Februcry 2nd, 191+9.
- Return of the mission of naval experts
Corfu Channel (United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland v. Albania) - Return of the mission of naval experts