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Croatia's comments on Serbia's written response to the question put to the Parties by Judge Abraham

Comments of the Republic of Croatia on the Republic ofSerbia's

further written observations of 6 June 2008

1. The Republic of Croatia notes the contents of the Republic of Serbia's 20-page response

wilh Sùrne surpris'ê. Contrary to established practice and against the background of its limited
first round arguments at the oral phase, the Respondent has taken the opportunity t.osummarise,

restate and then further develop the whole of its case on jurîsdiction ratione personae, and Lo

Supplementary replies from Belgium to the question put to it by Judge Greenwood at the close of the hearing held on 16 March 2012 (translation)


Questions relating to the Obligation to Prosecute or Extradite
(Belgium v. Senegal)

Reply of the Kingdom of Belgium to the question put
by Judge Greenwood


1. Judge Greenwood’s question 1 was worded as follows:

Malaysia's comments on Singapore's written response to the question put by Judge Keith to Singapore at the public sitting held on 23 November 2007

Case Concerning Sovereignty Over Pedra Branca/Pulau Batu Puteh, Middle

Rocks and South Ledge (Malaysia/Singapore)

Malaysia's Comments on Singapore's Response to

Judge Keith's Question of 23 November 2007


Malaysia makes the following comments:


1. Malaysia's reference to the Johor Agreement and the Federation

Germany's answers to the questions asked by Judges Higgins and Koroma

Answers to the Questions of Judge Higgins
Answer to Question (a):
The sustained breach of Article 36 of the Vienna Convention on Consular Relations
by the United States ôf America suffices to give rise to the international responsibility
of the United States. V\Jhile Germany does not need to establish the point in order for
the United States' responsibility to attach, Germany emphasizes that if the LaGrand
brothers had been notified in timely fashion under the Vienna Convention, assistance

Replies of the Democratic Republic of the Congo to the questions put by Members of the Court at the close of the first round of oral argument (translation)


Replies to the questions put by Judges Vereshchetin, Kooijmans and Elaraby at the hearings

in the case concerning Armed Activities on the Territory of the Congo (Democratie Republic of
the Congo v. Uganda)

May 2005

1. Reply to the question of Judge Vereshchetin
