


On 28 July 1986, Nicaragua instituted proceedings against Costa Rica and Honduras, respectively, alleging various violations of international law for which the two States bore legal responsibility, particularly on account of certain military activities directed against the Nicaraguan authorities by the contras operating from their territory.

In this case, Nicaragua proceeded to file its Memorial on the merits on 10 August 1987. Subsequently, by a communication dated 12 August 1987, Nicaragua, referring to an agreement signed on 7 August 1987 at Guatemala City by the Presidents of the five States of Central America (the “Esquipulas II” Agreement), declared that it was discontinuing the judicial proceedings instituted against Costa Rica. Costa Rica did not object to the discontinuance, and the case was removed from the General List by an Order of the President dated 19 August 1987.

This overview is provided for information only and in no way involves the responsibility of the Court.

Institution of proceedings

Written proceedings

10 August 1987
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Fixing of time-limits: Memorial and Counter-Memorial
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Extension of time-limits: Memorial and Counter-Memorial
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Removal from list
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Press releases

3 September 1986
Border and Transborder Armed Actions (Nicaragua v. Costa Rica) - Costa Rica appoints an Agent
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24 October 1986
Border and Transborder Armed Actions (Nicaragua v. Costa Rica) - Fixing of the time-limits for the filing of the initial written pleadings
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22 July 1987
Border and Transborder Armed Actions (Nicaragua v. Costa Rica) - Extension of time-limits for the filing of written pleadings
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12 August 1987
Border and Transborder Armed Actions (Nicaragua v. Costa Rica) - Request for discontinuance
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19 August 1987
Border and Transborder Armed Actions (Nicaragua v. Costa Rica) - Removal of the case from the Court's list
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28 July 1986
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This case arose out of the incident which was the subject of the proceedings in the case concerning the Aerial Incident of 27 July 1955 (Israel v. Bulgaria). The aircraft destroyed by Bulgarian anti-aircraft defence forces was carrying several United States nationals, who all lost their lives. Their Government asked the Court to find Bulgaria liable for the losses thereby caused and to award damages. Bulgaria filed preliminary objections to the Court’s jurisdiction, but, before hearings were due to open, the United States informed the Court of its decision, after further consideration, not to proceed with its application. Accordingly, the case was removed from the List by an Order of 30 May 1960.

This overview is provided for information only and in no way involves the responsibility of the Court.

Institution of proceedings

Written proceedings

3 September 1959
Procedure(s):Preliminary objections
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Fixing of time-limit: Memorial
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Fixing of time-limit: Counter-Memorial
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Extension of time-limits: Memorial and Counter-Memorial
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Extension of time-limit: Memorial and Counter-Memorial
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Extension of time-limit: Counter-Memorial
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Fixing of time-limit: Written Statement of observations and submissions on Preliminary Objections
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Extension of time-limit: Written Statement of observations and submissions on Preliminary Objections
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Removal from the list
Procedure(s):Preliminary objections,Discontinuance
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Press releases

29 October 1957
The United States Government files an Application instituting proceedings against the People's Republic of Bulgaria
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20 May 1958
Aerial incident of 27 July 1955 (United States of America v. Bulgaria) - Extension of the time-limits for the filing of the pleadings
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11 September 1959
Aerial Incident of 27 July 1955 (United States of America v. Bulgaria) - The Government of Bulgaria files in the Registry Preliminary Objections to the Court's jurisdiction
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21 March 1960
Aerial Incident of 27 July 1955 (United States of America v. Bulgaria) - The hearings of the Objections will begin on June 1st, 1960
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19 May 1960
Aerial Incident of 27 July 1955 (United States of America v. Bulgaria) - The Agent of the Government of the United States advises the Court that his Government desires to discontinue the proceedings
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28 October 1957
Available in:


This case arose out of the destruction by Bulgarian anti-aircraft defence forces of an aircraft belonging to an Israeli airline which was the subject of the proceedings concerning the Aerial Incident of 27 July 1955 (Israel v. Bulgaria). The aircraft destroyed by Bulgarian anti-aircraft defence forces was carrying several nationals of the United Kingdom and colonies, who all lost their lives. The United Kingdom asked the Court to find Bulgaria liable for the losses thereby caused and to award damages. After filing a Memorial, however, the United Kingdom informed the Court that it wished to discontinue the proceedings in view of the decision of 26 May 1959 whereby the Court found that it lacked jurisdiction in the case brought by Israel.

This overview is provided for information only and in no way involves the responsibility of the Court.

Institution of proceedings

Written proceedings


Fixing of time-limit: Memorial
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Fixing of time-limit: Counter-Memorial
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Extension of time-limits: Memorial and Counter-Memorial
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Extension of time-limit: Counter-Memorial
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Removal from the list
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Press releases

23 November 1957
The Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland files an Application instituting proceedings against the People's Republic of Bulgaria
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28 May 1959
Aerial incident of 27 July 1955 (United Kingdom v. Bulgaria) - Extension of the time-limit for the deposit of the Counter-Memorial of the Government of Bulgaria
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18 August 1959
Aerial incident of 27 July 1955 (United Kingdom v. Bulgaria) - The case is removed from the Court's List
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21 November 1957
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This case arose out of certain measures taken by the Lebanese Government which a French company regarded as contrary to undertakings that that Government had given in 1948 as part of an agreement with France. The French Government referred the dispute to the Court, but the Lebanese Government and the company entered into an agreement for the settlement of the dispute and the case was removed from the List by an Order of 29 July 1954.

This overview is provided for information only and in no way involves the responsibility of the Court.

Institution of proceedings

Written proceedings

19 January 1953
Available in:


Fixing of time-limits: Memorial and Counter-Memorial
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Extension of time-limit: Counter-Memorial
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Removal from the list
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Press releases

30 July 1954
«Electricité de Beyrouth» Company (France v. Lebanon) - The case is removed from the Court's List
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14 August 1953
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As a consequence of certain measures adopted by the Egyptian Government against the property and persons of various French nationals and protected persons in Egypt, France instituted proceedings in which it invoked the Montreux Convention of 1935, concerning the abrogation of the capitulations in Egypt. However, the case was not proceeded with, as the Egyptian Government desisted from the measures in question. As France decided not to press its suit and as Egypt had no objection, the case was removed from the Court’s List (Order of 29 March 1950).

This overview is provided for information only and in no way involves the responsibility of the Court.

Institution of proceedings


Available in:

Press releases

14 October 1949
Protection of French Nationals and Protected Persons in Egypt (France v. Egypt) - Filing by France of an Application instituting proceedings against Egypt
Available in:
31 March 1950
Protection of French Nationals and Protected Persons in Egypt (France v. Egypt) - Removal of the case from the List of the Court
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13 October 1949
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