Monday 7 March 2022

Videos On Demand

Monday 7 March 2022
Allegations of Genocide under the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide (Ukraine v. Russian Federation) – Public hearing – Oral argument of Ukraine
Courtesy of the ICJ. All rights reserved


Covershots produced on Monday 7 March 2022 (floor sound)
Monday 7 March 2022
Courtesy of the ICJ. All rights reserved

HD video

Reading of the submissions of Ukraine
Monday 7 March 2022
Courtesy of the ICJ. All rights reserved

HD video


View of the ICJ courtroom at the opening of the hearing
Monday 7 March 2022
Copyright: UN Photo/ICJ-CIJ/Frank van Beek. Courtesy of the ICJ. All rights reserved.
Members of the Court at the opening of the hearing
Monday 7 March 2022
Copyright: UN Photo/ICJ-CIJ/Frank van Beek. Courtesy of the ICJ. All rights reserved.
The President of the Court, H.E. Judge Joan E. Donoghue, at the opening of the hearing
Monday 7 March 2022
Copyright: UN Photo/ICJ-CIJ/Frank van Beek. Courtesy of the ICJ. All rights reserved.
Solemn Declaration by H.E. Prof. Yves Daudet, ad hoc Judge, at the opening of the hearing
Monday 7 March 2022
Copyright: UN Photo/ICJ-CIJ/Frank van Beek. Courtesy of the ICJ. All rights reserved.
The Registrar of the Court, H.E. Mr. Philippe Gautier, at the opening of the hearing
Monday 7 March 2022
Copyright: UN Photo/ICJ-CIJ/Frank van Beek. Courtesy of the ICJ. All rights reserved.
The Agent of Ukraine, H.E. Mr. Anton Korynevych, at the opening of the hearing
Monday 7 March 2022
Copyright: UN Photo/ICJ-CIJ/Frank van Beek. Courtesy of the ICJ. All rights reserved.
Members of the Delegation of Ukraine at the opening of the hearing
Monday 7 March 2022
Copyright: UN Photo/ICJ-CIJ/Frank van Beek. Courtesy of the ICJ. All rights reserved.
Members of the Delegation of Ukraine at the opening of the hearing
Monday 7 March 2022
Copyright: UN Photo/ICJ-CIJ/Frank van Beek. Courtesy of the ICJ. All rights reserved.
The Co-Agent of Ukraine, H.E. Ms Oksana Zolotaryova
Tuesday 8 March 2022
Copyright: UN Photo/ICJ-CIJ/Frank van Beek. Courtesy of the ICJ. All rights reserved.
Monday 21 February 2022 - Monday 28 February 2022

Videos On Demand

Monday 21 February 2022
Application of the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide (The Gambia v. Myanmar) – Public hearings – First round of oral argument of Myanmar
Courtesy of the ICJ. All rights reserved

Wednesday 23 February 2022
Application of the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide (The Gambia v. Myanmar) – Public hearings – First round of oral argument of The Gambia
Courtesy of the ICJ. All rights reserved

Friday 25 February 2022
Application of the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide (The Gambia v. Myanmar) – Public hearings – Second round of oral argument of Myanmar
Courtesy of the ICJ. All rights reserved

Monday 28 February 2022
Application of the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide (The Gambia v. Myanmar) – Public hearings – Second round of oral argument of The Gambia
Courtesy of the ICJ. All rights reserved


Covershots produced on Monday 21 February 2022 (floor sound)
Monday 21 February 2022
Courtesy of the ICJ. All rights reserved

HD video

Covershots produced on Wednesday 23 February 2022 (floor sound)
Wednesday 23 February 2022
Courtesy of the ICJ. All rights reserved

HD video

Reading of the submissions of Myanmar on its preliminary objections
Friday 25 February 2022
Courtesy of the ICJ. All rights reserved

HD video

Reading of the submissions of The Gambia on the preliminary objections raised by Myanmar
Monday 28 February 2022
Courtesy of the ICJ. All rights reserved

HD video


View of the ICJ courtroom on the opening day of the hearings
Monday 21 February 2022
Copyright: UN Photo/ICJ-CIJ/Frank van Beek. Courtesy of the ICJ. All rights reserved.
The Members of the Court on the opening day
Monday 21 February 2022
Copyright: UN Photo/ICJ-CIJ/Frank van Beek. Courtesy of the ICJ. All rights reserved.
The President of the Court, H.E. Judge Joan E. Donoghue
Monday 21 February 2022
Copyright: UN Photo/ICJ-CIJ/Frank van Beek. Courtesy of the ICJ. All rights reserved.
The Registrar of the Court, H.E. Mr. Philippe Gautier
Monday 21 February 2022
Copyright: UN Photo/ICJ-CIJ/Frank van Beek. Courtesy of the ICJ. All rights reserved.
The Agent of The Gambia, H.E. Mr. Dawda Jallow, on the second day of the hearings
Wednesday 23 February 2022
Copyright: UN Photo/ICJ-CIJ/Frank van Beek. Courtesy of the ICJ. All rights reserved.
Members of the Delegation of The Gambia on the opening day of the hearings
Monday 21 February 2022
Copyright: UN Photo/ICJ-CIJ/Frank van Beek. Courtesy of the ICJ. All rights reserved.
Members of the Delegation of The Gambia on the second day of the hearings
Wednesday 23 February 2022
Copyright: UN Photo/ICJ-CIJ/Frank van Beek. Courtesy of the ICJ. All rights reserved.
The Agent of Myanmar, H.E. Mr. Ko ko Hlaing, on the opening day of the hearings
Monday 21 February 2022
Copyright: UN Photo/ICJ-CIJ/Frank van Beek. Courtesy of the ICJ. All rights reserved.
Members of the Delegation of Myanmar on the opening day of the hearings
Monday 21 February 2022
Copyright: UN Photo/ICJ-CIJ/Frank van Beek. Courtesy of the ICJ. All rights reserved.
Members of the Delegation of Myanmar on the opening day of the hearings
Monday 21 February 2022
Copyright: UN Photo/ICJ-CIJ/Frank van Beek. Courtesy of the ICJ. All rights reserved.
Wednesday 9 February 2022

Videos On Demand

Wednesday 9 February 2022
Armed Activities on the Territory of the Congo (Democratic Republic of the Congo v. Uganda) – Reading of the Judgment of the Court on the question of reparations
Courtesy of the ICJ. All rights reserved


Covershots produced on 9 February 2022 (floor sound)
Wednesday 9 February 2022
Courtesy of the ICJ. All rights reserved

HD video

Reading of the operative paragraph of the Judgment, in English, by the President of the Court, H.E. Judge Joan E. Donoghue
Wednesday 9 February 2022
Courtesy of the ICJ. All rights reserved

HD video

Reading of the operative paragraph of the Judgment, in French, by the Registrar of the Court, H.E. Mr. Philippe Gautier
Wednesday 9 February 2022
Courtesy of the ICJ. All rights reserved

HD video


View of the ICJ courtroom
Wednesday 9 February 2022
Copyright: UN Photo/ICJ-CIJ/Frank van Beek. Courtesy of the ICJ. All rights reserved.
The President of the Court, H.E. Judge Joan E. Donoghue
Wednesday 9 February 2022
Copyright: UN Photo/ICJ-CIJ/Frank van Beek. Courtesy of the ICJ. All rights reserved.
The Registrar of the Court, H.E. Mr. Philippe Gautier
Wednesday 9 February 2022
Copyright: UN Photo/ICJ-CIJ/Frank van Beek. Courtesy of the ICJ. All rights reserved.
Members of the Delegation of the Democratic Republic of the Congo
Wednesday 9 February 2022
Copyright: UN Photo/ICJ-CIJ/Frank van Beek. Courtesy of the ICJ. All rights reserved.
Head of the delegation of the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Mrs. Rose Mutombo Kiese
Wednesday 9 February 2022
Copyright: UN Photo/ICJ-CIJ/Frank van Beek. Courtesy of the ICJ. All rights reserved.
Members of the Delegation of Uganda
Wednesday 9 February 2022
Copyright: UN Photo/ICJ-CIJ/Frank van Beek. Courtesy of the ICJ. All rights reserved.
Head of the delegation of Uganda, Mr. Jackson Karugaba Kafuuzi
Wednesday 9 February 2022
Copyright: UN Photo/ICJ-CIJ/Frank van Beek. Courtesy of the ICJ. All rights reserved.
Tuesday 7 December 2021

Videos On Demand

Tuesday 7 December 2021
Application of the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination (Azerbaijan v. Armenia) – Reading of the Order of the Court indicating provisional measures
Courtesy of the ICJ. All rights reserved


Reading of the operative paragraph of the Order, in English, by the President of the Court, H.E. Judge Joan E. Donoghue.
Tuesday 7 December 2021
Courtesy of the ICJ. All rights reserved

HD video

Reading of the operative paragraph of the Order, in French, by the Registrar of the Court, H.E. Mr. Philippe Gautier
Tuesday 7 December 2021
Courtesy of the ICJ. All rights reserved

HD video


View of the ICJ courtroom
Tuesday 7 December 2021
Copyright: UN Photo/ICJ-CIJ/Frank van Beek. Courtesy of the ICJ. All rights reserved.
The President of the Court, H.E. Judge Joan E. Donoghue
Tuesday 7 December 2021
Copyright: UN Photo/ICJ-CIJ/Frank van Beek. Courtesy of the ICJ. All rights reserved.
The Registrar of the Court, H.E. Mr. Philippe Gautier
Tuesday 7 December 2021
Copyright: UN Photo/ICJ-CIJ/Frank van Beek. Courtesy of the ICJ. All rights reserved.
Members of the Delegation of Azerbaijan
Tuesday 7 December 2021
Copyright: UN Photo/ICJ-CIJ/Frank van Beek. Courtesy of the ICJ. All rights reserved.
Ambassador of the Republic of Azerbaijan to the Netherlands, H.E. Mr. Fikrat Akhundov
Tuesday 7 December 2021
Copyright: UN Photo/ICJ-CIJ/Frank van Beek. Courtesy of the ICJ. All rights reserved.
Members of the Delegation of Armenia
Tuesday 7 December 2021
Copyright: UN Photo/ICJ-CIJ/Frank van Beek. Courtesy of the ICJ. All rights reserved.
The Agent of Armenia, H.E. Mr. Yeghishe Kirakosyan
Tuesday 7 December 2021
Copyright: UN Photo/ICJ-CIJ/Frank van Beek. Courtesy of the ICJ. All rights reserved.
Tuesday 7 December 2021

Videos On Demand

Tuesday 7 December 2021
Application of the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination (Armenia v. Azerbaijan) – Reading of the Order of the Court indicating provisional measures
Courtesy of the ICJ. All rights reserved


Reading of the operative paragraph of the Order, in English, by the President of the Court, H.E. Judge Joan E. Donoghue.
Tuesday 7 December 2021
Courtesy of the ICJ. All rights reserved

HD video

Reading of the operative paragraph of the Order, in French, by the Registrar of the Court, H.E. Mr. Philippe Gautier
Tuesday 7 December 2021
Courtesy of the ICJ. All rights reserved

HD video


View of the ICJ courtroom
Tuesday 7 December 2021
Copyright: UN Photo/ICJ-CIJ/Frank van Beek. Courtesy of the ICJ. All rights reserved.
The President of the Court, H.E. Judge Joan E. Donoghue
Tuesday 7 December 2021
Copyright: UN Photo/ICJ-CIJ/Frank van Beek. Courtesy of the ICJ. All rights reserved.
The Registrar of the Court, H.E. Mr. Philippe Gautier
Tuesday 7 December 2021
Copyright: UN Photo/ICJ-CIJ/Frank van Beek. Courtesy of the ICJ. All rights reserved.
Members of the Delegation of Armenia
Tuesday 7 December 2021
Copyright: UN Photo/ICJ-CIJ/Frank van Beek. Courtesy of the ICJ. All rights reserved.
The Agent of Armenia, H.E. Mr. Yeghishe Kirakosyan
Tuesday 7 December 2021
Copyright: UN Photo/ICJ-CIJ/Frank van Beek. Courtesy of the ICJ. All rights reserved.
Members of the Delegation of Azerbaijan
Tuesday 7 December 2021
Copyright: UN Photo/ICJ-CIJ/Frank van Beek. Courtesy of the ICJ. All rights reserved.
Ambassador of the Republic of Azerbaijan to the Netherlands, H.E. Mr. Fikrat Akhundov
Tuesday 7 December 2021
Copyright: UN Photo/ICJ-CIJ/Frank van Beek. Courtesy of the ICJ. All rights reserved.
Tuesday 7 December 2021

Videos On Demand

Tuesday 7 December 2021
H.E. Ms Hilary Charlesworth, of Australian nationality, makes the solemn declaration as provided for in Article 20 of the Statute of the Court 7 December 2021
Courtesy of the ICJ. All rights reserved


H.E. Ms Hilary Charlesworth, of Australian nationality, makes the solemn declaration as provided for in Article 20 of the Statute of the Court 7 December 2021
Tuesday 7 December 2021
Courtesy of the ICJ. All rights reserved

HD video


View of the Great Hall of Justice
Tuesday 7 December 2021
Copyright: UN Photo/ICJ-CIJ/Frank van Beek. Courtesy of the ICJ. All rights reserved.
H.E. Ms Hilary Charlesworth (Australia)
Tuesday 7 December 2021
Copyright: UN Photo/ICJ-CIJ/Frank van Beek. Courtesy of the ICJ. All rights reserved.
The President of the Court, H.E. Judge Joan E. Donoghue
Tuesday 7 December 2021
Copyright: UN Photo/ICJ-CIJ/Frank van Beek. Courtesy of the ICJ. All rights reserved.
Monday 18 October 2021 - Tuesday 19 October 2021

Videos On Demand

Monday 18 October 2021
Application of the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination (Azerbaijan v. Armenia) – Public hearings - First round of oral observations of Azerbaijan
Courtesy of the ICJ. All rights reserved

Monday 18 October 2021
Application of the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination (Azerbaijan v. Armenia) - Public hearings - First round of oral observations of Armenia
Courtesy of the ICJ. All rights reserved

Tuesday 19 October 2021
Application of the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination (Azerbaijan v. Armenia) – Public hearings - Second round of oral observations of Azerbaijan
Courtesy of the ICJ. All rights reserved

Tuesday 19 October 2021
Application of the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination (Azerbaijan v. Armenia) – Public hearings - Second round of oral observations of Armenia
Courtesy of the ICJ. All rights reserved


Covershots produced on 18 October 2021 (floor sound)
Monday 18 October 2021
Courtesy of the ICJ. All rights reserved

HD video

Reading of the submissions of Azerbaijan
Tuesday 19 October 2021
Courtesy of the ICJ. All rights reserved

HD video

Reading of the submissions of Armenia
Tuesday 19 October 2021
Courtesy of the ICJ. All rights reserved

HD video


View of the ICJ courtroom on the first day of the hearings
Monday 18 October 2021
Copyright: UN Photo/ICJ-CIJ/Frank van Beek. Courtesy of the ICJ. All rights reserved.
The President of the Court, H.E. Judge Joan E. Donoghue, on the first day of the hearings
Monday 18 October 2021
Copyright: UN Photo/ICJ-CIJ/Frank van Beek. Courtesy of the ICJ. All rights reserved.
Solemn Declaration by H.E. Sir Kenneth Keith,Judge ad hoc, at the opening of the hearings
Monday 18 October 2021
Copyright: UN Photo/ICJ-CIJ/Frank van Beek. Courtesy of the ICJ. All rights reserved.
Solemn Declaration by H.E. Prof. Yves Daudet, Judge ad hoc, at the opening of the hearings
Monday 18 October 2021
Copyright: UN Photo/ICJ-CIJ/Frank van Beek. Courtesy of the ICJ. All rights reserved.
The Registrar of the Court, H.E. Mr. Philippe Gautier, on the first day of the hearings
Monday 18 October 2021
Copyright: UN Photo/ICJ-CIJ/Frank van Beek. Courtesy of the ICJ. All rights reserved.
The Agent of Azerbaijan, H.E. Mr. Elnur Mammadov, Deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Azerbaijan, on the first day of the hearings
Monday 18 October 2021
Copyright: UN Photo/ICJ-CIJ/Frank van Beek. Courtesy of the ICJ. All rights reserved.
Members of the Delegation of Azerbaijan on the first day of the hearings
Monday 18 October 2021
Copyright: UN Photo/ICJ-CIJ/Frank van Beek. Courtesy of the ICJ. All rights reserved.
The Agent of Armenia, H.E. Mr. Yeghishe Kirakosyan, Representative of the Republic of Armenia before the European Court of Human Rights, on the first day of the hearings
Monday 18 October 2021
Copyright: UN Photo/ICJ-CIJ/Frank van Beek. Courtesy of the ICJ. All rights reserved.
Members of the Delegation of Armenia on the first day of the hearings
Monday 18 October 2021
Copyright: UN Photo/ICJ-CIJ/Frank van Beek. Courtesy of the ICJ. All rights reserved.
Thursday 14 October 2021 - Friday 15 October 2021

Videos On Demand

Thursday 14 October 2021
Application of the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination (Armenia v. Azerbaijan) – Public hearings - First round of oral argument of Armenia
Courtesy of the ICJ. All rights reserved

Thursday 14 October 2021
Application of the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination (Armenia v. Azerbaijan) - Public hearings - First round of oral observations of Azerbaijan
Courtesy of the ICJ. All rights reserved

Friday 15 October 2021
Application of the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination (Armenia v. Azerbaijan) – Public hearings - Second round of oral observations of Armenia
Courtesy of the ICJ. All rights reserved

Friday 15 October 2021
Application of the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination (Armenia v. Azerbaijan) – Public hearings - Second round of oral observations of Azerbaijan
Courtesy of the ICJ. All rights reserved


Covershots produced on 14 October 2021 (floor sound)
Thursday 14 October 2021
Courtesy of the ICJ. All rights reserved

HD video

Reading of the submissions of Armenia
Friday 15 October 2021
Courtesy of the ICJ. All rights reserved

HD video

Reading of the submissions of Azerbaijan
Friday 15 October 2021
Courtesy of the ICJ. All rights reserved

HD video


View of the ICJ courtroom on the first day of the hearings
Thursday 14 October 2021
Copyright: UN Photo/ICJ-CIJ/Wendy van Bree. Courtesy of the ICJ. All rights reserved.
The President of the Court, H.E. Judge Joan E. Donoghue, on the first day of the hearings
Thursday 14 October 2021
Copyright: UN Photo/ICJ-CIJ/Wendy van Bree. Courtesy of the ICJ. All rights reserved.
Solemn Declaration by H.E. Prof. Yves Daudet, Judge ad hoc, at the opening of the hearings
Thursday 14 October 2021
Copyright: UN Photo/ICJ-CIJ/Wendy van Bree. Courtesy of the ICJ. All rights reserved.
Solemn Declaration by H.E. Sir Kenneth Keith, Judge ad hoc, at the opening of the hearings
Thursday 14 October 2021
Copyright: UN Photo/ICJ-CIJ/Wendy van Bree. Courtesy of the ICJ. All rights reserved.
The Registrar of the Court, H.E. Mr. Philippe Gautier, on the first day of the hearings
Thursday 14 October 2021
Copyright: UN Photo/ICJ-CIJ/Wendy van Bree. Courtesy of the ICJ. All rights reserved.
The Agent of Armenia, H.E. Mr. Yeghishe Kirakosyan, Representative of the Republic of Armenia before the European Court of Human Rights, on the first day of the hearings
Monday 4 October 2021
Copyright: UN Photo/ICJ-CIJ/Wendy van Bree. Courtesy of the ICJ. All rights reserved.
Members of the Delegation of Armenia on the first day of the hearings
Thursday 14 October 2021
Copyright: UN Photo/ICJ-CIJ/Wendy van Bree. Courtesy of the ICJ. All rights reserved.
Members of the Delegation of Armenia on the first day of the hearings
Thursday 14 October 2021
Copyright: UN Photo/ICJ-CIJ/Wendy van Bree. Courtesy of the ICJ. All rights reserved.
The Agent of Azerbaijan, H.E. Mr. Elnur Mammadov, Deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs, Republic of Azerbaijan, on the first day of the hearings
Thursday 14 October 2021
Copyright: UN Photo/ICJ-CIJ/Wendy van Bree. Courtesy of the ICJ. All rights reserved.
Members of the Delegation of Azerbaijan on the first day of the hearings
Thursday 14 October 2021
Copyright: UN Photo/ICJ-CIJ/Wendy van Bree. Courtesy of the ICJ. All rights reserved.
Members of the Delegation of Azerbaijan on the first day of the hearings
Thursday 14 October 2021
Copyright: UN Photo/ICJ-CIJ/Wendy van Bree. Courtesy of the ICJ. All rights reserved.
Tuesday 12 October 2021

Videos On Demand

Tuesday 12 October 2021
Maritime Delimitation in the Indian Ocean (Somalia v. Kenya) - Reading of the Judgment of the Court
Courtesy of the ICJ. All rights reserved


Covershots produced on 12 October 2021 (original sound)
Tuesday 12 October 2021
Courtesy of the ICJ. All rights reserved

HD video

Reading of the operative paragraph of the Judgment, in English, by the President of the Court, H.E. Judge Joan E. Donoghue
Tuesday 12 October 2021
Courtesy of the ICJ. All rights reserved

HD video

Reading of the operative paragraph of the Judgment, in French, by the Registrar of the Court, H.E. Mr. Philippe Gautier
Tuesday 12 October 2021
Courtesy of the ICJ. All rights reserved

HD video


View of the ICJ courtroom
Tuesday 12 October 2021
Copyright: UN Photo/ICJ-CIJ/Frank van Beek. Courtesy of the ICJ. All rights reserved.
The President of the Court, H.E. Judge Joan E. Donoghue
Tuesday 12 October 2021
Copyright: UN Photo/ICJ-CIJ/Frank van Beek. Courtesy of the ICJ. All rights reserved.
The Registrar of the Court, H.E. Mr. Philippe Gautier
Tuesday 12 October 2021
Copyright: UN Photo/ICJ-CIJ/Frank van Beek. Courtesy of the ICJ. All rights reserved.
Members of the Delegation of Somalia
Tuesday 12 October 2021
Copyright: UN Photo/ICJ-CIJ/Frank van Beek. Courtesy of the ICJ. All rights reserved.
The Agent of Somalia, H.E. Mr. Mahdi Mohammed Gulaid
Tuesday 12 October 2021
Copyright: UN Photo/ICJ-CIJ/Frank van Beek. Courtesy of the ICJ. All rights reserved.
Monday 20 September 2021 - Friday 1 October 2021

Videos On Demand

Monday 20 September 2021
Alleged Violations of Sovereign Rights and Maritime Spaces in the Caribbean Sea (Nicaragua v. Colombia) – Public hearings - First round of oral argument of Nicaragua in English
Courtesy of the ICJ. All rights reserved

Monday 20 September 2021
Alleged Violations of Sovereign Rights and Maritime Spaces in the Caribbean Sea (Nicaragua v. Colombia) – Public hearings - First round of oral argument of Nicaragua in French
Courtesy of the ICJ. All rights reserved

Wednesday 22 September 2021
Alleged Violations of Sovereign Rights and Maritime Spaces in the Caribbean Sea (Nicaragua v. Colombia) - Public hearings - First round of oral argument of Colombia, including counter-claims in English - Part 1
Courtesy of the ICJ. All rights reserved

Wednesday 22 September 2021
Alleged Violations of Sovereign Rights and Maritime Spaces in the Caribbean Sea (Nicaragua v. Colombia) - Public hearings - First round of oral argument of Colombia, including counter-claims in French - Part 1
Courtesy of the ICJ. All rights reserved

Wednesday 22 September 2021
Alleged Violations of Sovereign Rights and Maritime Spaces in the Caribbean Sea (Nicaragua v. Colombia) - Public hearings - First round of oral argument of Colombia, including counter-claims in English - Part 2
Courtesy of the ICJ. All rights reserved

Wednesday 22 September 2021
Alleged Violations of Sovereign Rights and Maritime Spaces in the Caribbean Sea (Nicaragua v. Colombia) - Public hearings - First round of oral argument of Colombia, including counter-claims in French - Part 2
Courtesy of the ICJ. All rights reserved

Friday 24 September 2021
Alleged Violations of Sovereign Rights and Maritime Spaces in the Caribbean Sea (Nicaragua v. Colombia) – Public hearings - Observations of Nicaragua on the counter-claims of Colombia in English
Courtesy of the ICJ. All rights reserved

Friday 24 September 2021
Alleged Violations of Sovereign Rights and Maritime Spaces in the Caribbean Sea (Nicaragua v. Colombia) – Public hearings - Observations of Nicaragua on the counter-claims of Colombia in French
Courtesy of the ICJ. All rights reserved

Monday 27 September 2021
Alleged Violations of Sovereign Rights and Maritime Spaces in the Caribbean Sea (Nicaragua v. Colombia) - Public hearings - Second round of oral argument of Nicaragua in English
Courtesy of the ICJ. All rights reserved

Monday 27 September 2021
Alleged Violations of Sovereign Rights and Maritime Spaces in the Caribbean Sea (Nicaragua v. Colombia) - Public hearings - Second round of oral argument of Nicaragua in French
Courtesy of the ICJ. All rights reserved

Wednesday 29 September 2021
Alleged Violations of Sovereign Rights and Maritime Spaces in the Caribbean Sea (Nicaragua v. Colombia) – Public hearings - Second round of oral argument of Colombia, including counter-claims in English
Courtesy of the ICJ. All rights reserved

Wednesday 29 September 2021
Alleged Violations of Sovereign Rights and Maritime Spaces in the Caribbean Sea (Nicaragua v. Colombia) – Public hearings - Second round of oral argument of Colombia, including counter-claims in French
Courtesy of the ICJ. All rights reserved

Friday 1 October 2021
Alleged Violations of Sovereign Rights and Maritime Spaces in the Caribbean Sea (Nicaragua v. Colombia) – Public hearings - Reply of Nicaragua on the counter-claims of Colombia in English
Courtesy of the ICJ. All rights reserved

Friday 1 October 2021
Alleged Violations of Sovereign Rights and Maritime Spaces in the Caribbean Sea (Nicaragua v. Colombia) – Public hearings - Reply of Nicaragua on the counter-claims of Colombia in French
Courtesy of the ICJ. All rights reserved


Covershots produced on 20 September 2021 (floor sound)
Monday 20 September 2021
Courtesy of the ICJ. All rights reserved

HD video

Covershots produced on 22 September 2021 (floor sound)
Wednesday 22 September 2021
Courtesy of the ICJ. All rights reserved

HD video

Reading of the submissions of Nicaragua
Monday 27 September 2021
Courtesy of the ICJ. All rights reserved

HD video

Reading of the submissions of Colombia
Wednesday 29 September 2021
Courtesy of the ICJ. All rights reserved

HD video

Reading of the submissions of Nicaragua
Friday 1 October 2021
Courtesy of the ICJ. All rights reserved

HD video


View of the ICJ courtroom on the first day of the hearings
Monday 20 September 2021
Copyright: UN Photo/ICJ-CIJ/Frank van Beek. Courtesy of the ICJ. All rights reserved.
The President of the Court, H.E. Judge Joan E. Donoghue, on the first day of the hearings
Monday 20 September 2021
Copyright: UN Photo/ICJ-CIJ/Frank van Beek. Courtesy of the ICJ. All rights reserved.
Solemn Declaration by H.E. Mr. Donald M. McRae, ad hoc Judge, at the opening of the hearings
Monday 20 September 2021
Copyright: UN Photo/ICJ-CIJ/Frank van Beek. Courtesy of the ICJ. All rights reserved.
The Registrar of the Court, H.E. Mr. Philippe Gautier, on the first day of the hearings
Monday 20 September 2021
Copyright: UN Photo/ICJ-CIJ/Frank van Beek. Courtesy of the ICJ. All rights reserved.
The Agent of Nicaragua, H.E. Mr. Carlos José Argüello Gómez, on the first day of the hearings
Monday 20 September 2021
Copyright: UN Photo/ICJ-CIJ/Frank van Beek. Courtesy of the ICJ. All rights reserved.
Members of the Delegation of Nicaragua on the first day of the hearings
Monday 20 September 2021
Copyright: UN Photo/ICJ-CIJ/Frank van Beek. Courtesy of the ICJ. All rights reserved.
Members of the Delegation of Nicaragua on the first day of the hearings
Monday 20 September 2021
Copyright: UN Photo/ICJ-CIJ/Frank van Beek. Courtesy of the ICJ. All rights reserved.
The Co-Agent of Colombia, H.E. Mr. Manuel José Cepeda Espinosa, on the second day of the hearings
Wednesday 22 September 2021
Copyright: UN Photo/ICJ-CIJ/Frank van Beek. Courtesy of the ICJ. All rights reserved.
Members of the Delegation of Colombia on the first day of the hearings
Monday 20 September 2021
Copyright: UN Photo/ICJ-CIJ/Frank van Beek. Courtesy of the ICJ. All rights reserved.
Members of the Delegation of Colombia on the second day of the hearings
Wednesday 22 September 2021
Copyright: UN Photo/ICJ-CIJ/Frank van Beek. Courtesy of the ICJ. All rights reserved.
Members of the Delegation of Colombia on the second day of the hearings
Wednesday 22 September 2021
Copyright: UN Photo/ICJ-CIJ/Frank van Beek. Courtesy of the ICJ. All rights reserved.