Monday 18 September 2023 - Wednesday 27 September 2023

Videos On Demand

Monday 18 September 2023

Allegations of Genocide under the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide (Ukraine v. Russian Federation: 32 States intervening) – Public hearings – First round of oral argument of the Russian Federation

Courtesy of the ICJ. All rights reserved.

Tuesday 19 September 2023

Allegations of Genocide under the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide (Ukraine v. Russian Federation: 32 States intervening) – Public hearings – First round of oral argument of Ukraine

Courtesy of the ICJ. All rights reserved.

Wednesday 20 September 2023

Allegations of Genocide under the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide (Ukraine v. Russian Federation: 32 States intervening) – Public hearings – Oral observations of the intervening States, first part

Courtesy of the ICJ. All rights reserved.

Wednesday 20 September 2023

Allegations of Genocide under the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide (Ukraine v. Russian Federation: 32 States intervening) – Public hearings – Oral observations of the intervening States, second part

Courtesy of the ICJ. All rights reserved.

Monday 25 September 2023

Allegations of Genocide under the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide (Ukraine v. Russian Federation: 32 States intervening) – Public hearings – Second round of oral argument of the Russian Federation, first part

Courtesy of the ICJ. All rights reserved.

Monday 25 September 2023

Allegations of Genocide under the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide (Ukraine v. Russian Federation: 32 States intervening) – Public hearings – Second round of oral argument of the Russian Federation, second part

Courtesy of the ICJ. All rights reserved.

Wednesday 27 September 2023

Allegations of Genocide under the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide (Ukraine v. Russian Federation: 32 States intervening) – Public hearings – Second round of oral argument of Ukraine

Courtesy of the ICJ. All rights reserved.


Covershots produced on Monday 18 September 2023 (floor sound) 

Monday 18 September 2023
Courtesy of the ICJ. All rights reserved.

HD video

Covershots produced on Tuesday 19 September 2023 (floor sound) 

Tuesday 19 September 2023
Courtesy of the ICJ. All rights reserved.

HD video

Covershots produced on Wednesday 20 September 2023 (floor sound) 

Wednesday 20 September 2023
Courtesy of the ICJ. All rights reserved.

HD video

The submissions of the Russian Federation (floor sound) 

Monday 25 September 2023
Courtesy of the ICJ. All rights reserved.

HD video

The submissions of Ukraine (floor sound) 

Wednesday 27 September 2023
Courtesy of the ICJ. All rights reserved.

HD video


View of the ICJ courtroom on the opening day of the hearings.

Monday 18 September 2023
Photograph: UN Photo/ICJ-CIJ/Wiebe Kiestra. Courtesy of the ICJ. All rights reserved.

The Members of the Court on the opening day of the hearings.

Monday 18 September 2023
Photograph: UN Photo/ICJ-CIJ/Wiebe Kiestra. Courtesy of the ICJ. All rights reserved.

HE Judge Joan E. Donoghue, President of the Court, on the opening day of the hearings.

Monday 18 September 2023
Photograph: UN Photo/ICJ-CIJ/Wiebe Kiestra. Courtesy of the ICJ. All rights reserved.

The Registrar of the Court, HE Mr Philippe Gautier, on the opening day of the hearings.

Monday 18 September 2023
Photograph: UN Photo/ICJ-CIJ/Wiebe Kiestra. Courtesy of the ICJ. All rights reserved.

Members of the delegation of the Russian Federation, on the opening day of the hearings.

Monday 18 September 2023
Photograph: UN Photo/ICJ-CIJ/Wiebe Kiestra. Courtesy of the ICJ. All rights reserved.

HE Mr Gennady Kuzmin, Agent of the Russian Federation, at the opening of Russian Federation’s first round of oral argument.

Monday 18 September 2023
Photograph: UN Photo/ICJ-CIJ/Wiebe Kiestra. Courtesy of the ICJ. All rights reserved.

Members of the delegation of Ukraine, on the opening day of the hearings.

Monday 18 September 2023
Photograph: UN Photo/ICJ-CIJ/Wiebe Kiestra. Courtesy of the ICJ. All rights reserved.

The Agent of Ukraine, HE Mr Anton Korynevych, at the opening of Russian Federation’s first round of oral argument.

Monday 18 September 2023
Photograph: UN Photo/ICJ-CIJ/Wiebe Kiestra. Courtesy of the ICJ. All rights reserved.

View of the ICJ courtroom on the second day of the hearings.

Tuesday 19 September 2023
Photograph: UN Photo/ICJ-CIJ/Wiebe Kiestra. Courtesy of the ICJ. All rights reserved.

The Members of the Court on the second day of the hearings.

Tuesday 19 September 2023
Photograph: UN Photo/ICJ-CIJ/Wiebe Kiestra. Courtesy of the ICJ. All rights reserved.

HE Judge Joan E. Donoghue, President of the Court, on the second day of the hearings.

Tuesday 19 September 2023
Photograph: UN Photo/ICJ-CIJ/Wiebe Kiestra. Courtesy of the ICJ. All rights reserved.

The Registrar of the Court, HE Mr Philippe Gautier, on the second day of the hearings.

Tuesday 19 September 2023
Photograph: UN Photo/ICJ-CIJ/Wiebe Kiestra. Courtesy of the ICJ. All rights reserved.

Members of the delegation of Ukraine, on the second day of the hearings.

Tuesday 19 September 2023
Photograph: UN Photo/ICJ-CIJ/Wiebe Kiestra. Courtesy of the ICJ. All rights reserved.

HE Mr Anton Korynevych, the Agent of Ukraine, at the opening of Ukraine’s first round of oral argument.

Tuesday 19 September 2023
Photograph: UN Photo/ICJ-CIJ/Wiebe Kiestra. Courtesy of the ICJ. All rights reserved.

Members of the delegation of the Russian Federation, on the second day of the hearings.

Tuesday 19 September 2023
Photograph: UN Photo/ICJ-CIJ/Wiebe Kiestra. Courtesy of the ICJ. All rights reserved.

View of the ICJ courtroom on the day of the oral observations of the intervening States

Wednesday 20 September 2023
Photograph: UN Photo/ICJ-CIJ/Wiebe Kiestra. Courtesy of the ICJ. All rights reserved.

View of the ICJ courtroom on the day of the oral observations of the intervening States

Wednesday 20 September 2023
Photograph: UN Photo/ICJ-CIJ/Wiebe Kiestra. Courtesy of the ICJ. All rights reserved.

View of the ICJ courtroom on the day of the oral observations of the intervening States

Wednesday 20 September 2023
Photograph: UN Photo/ICJ-CIJ/Wiebe Kiestra. Courtesy of the ICJ. All rights reserved.

View of the ICJ courtroom on the day of the oral observations of the intervening States

Wednesday 20 September 2023
Photograph: UN Photo/ICJ-CIJ/Wiebe Kiestra. Courtesy of the ICJ. All rights reserved.

View of the ICJ courtroom on the day of the oral observations of the intervening States

Wednesday 20 September 2023
Photograph: UN Photo/ICJ-CIJ/Wiebe Kiestra. Courtesy of the ICJ. All rights reserved.

View of the ICJ courtroom on the day of the oral observations of the intervening States

Wednesday 20 September 2023
Photograph: UN Photo/ICJ-CIJ/Wiebe Kiestra. Courtesy of the ICJ. All rights reserved.

Co-Agent of Germany, Ms Wiebke Rückert, Director for Public International Law, Foreign Office of the Federal Republic of Germany

Wednesday 20 September 2023
Photograph: UN Photo/ICJ-CIJ/Wiebe Kiestra. Courtesy of the ICJ. All rights reserved.

Mr Stephen Donaghue, KC, Solicitor-General of Australia

Wednesday 20 September 2023
Photograph: UN Photo/ICJ-CIJ/Wiebe Kiestra. Courtesy of the ICJ. All rights reserved.

Agent of Czechia, Mr Emil Ruffer, Director of the International Law Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic (on behalf of Austria, Czechia, Liechtenstein, and Slovakia)

Wednesday 20 September 2023
Photograph: UN Photo/ICJ-CIJ/Wiebe Kiestra. Courtesy of the ICJ. All rights reserved.

Agent of Estonia, Ms Kerli Veski, Director General of the Legal Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Estonia (on behalf of Belgium, Croatia, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Ireland, Luxembourg, Romania and Sweden)

Wednesday 20 September 2023
Photograph: UN Photo/ICJ-CIJ/Wiebe Kiestra. Courtesy of the ICJ. All rights reserved.

Agent of Belgium, Mr Piet Heirbaut, Jurisconsult, Director-General of Legal Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of Belgium (on behalf of Belgium, Croatia, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Ireland, Luxembourg, Romania and Sweden)

Wednesday 20 September 2023
Photograph: UN Photo/ICJ-CIJ/Wiebe Kiestra. Courtesy of the ICJ. All rights reserved.

Agent of Bulgaria, Ms Dimana Dramova, Head of the International Law Department, International Law and Law of the European Union Directorate, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Bulgaria

Wednesday 20 September 2023
Photograph: UN Photo/ICJ-CIJ/Wiebe Kiestra. Courtesy of the ICJ. All rights reserved.

Agent of Canada, Mr Alan H. Kessel, Assistant Deputy Minister and Legal Adviser, Global Affairs Canada

Wednesday 20 September 2023
Photograph: UN Photo/ICJ-CIJ/Wiebe Kiestra. Courtesy of the ICJ. All rights reserved.

Agent of the Netherlands, Mr René J. M. Lefeber, Legal Adviser, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of the Netherlands

Wednesday 20 September 2023
Photograph: UN Photo/ICJ-CIJ/Wiebe Kiestra. Courtesy of the ICJ. All rights reserved.

Co-Agent of Cyprus, Ms Mary‑Ann Stavrinides, Attorney of the Republic, Law Office of the Republic of Cyprus

Wednesday 20 September 2023
Photograph: UN Photo/ICJ-CIJ/Wiebe Kiestra. Courtesy of the ICJ. All rights reserved.

Mr Antonios Tzanakopoulos, Professor of Public International Law, University of Oxford

Wednesday 20 September 2023
Photograph: UN Photo/ICJ-CIJ/Wiebe Kiestra. Courtesy of the ICJ. All rights reserved.

Agent of Spain, Mr Santiago Ripol Carulla, Professor of International Public Law, Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona

Wednesday 20 September 2023
Photograph: UN Photo/ICJ-CIJ/Wiebe Kiestra. Courtesy of the ICJ. All rights reserved.

Co-Agent of France, HE Mr François Alabrune, Ambassador of the French Republic to the Kingdom of the Netherlands

Wednesday 20 September 2023
Photograph: UN Photo/ICJ-CIJ/Wiebe Kiestra. Courtesy of the ICJ. All rights reserved.

Agent of Greece, Ms Zinovia Chaido Stavridi, Legal Adviser, Head of the Legal Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Hellenic Republic

Wednesday 20 September 2023
Photograph: UN Photo/ICJ-CIJ/Wiebe Kiestra. Courtesy of the ICJ. All rights reserved.

Agent of Italy, Mr Stefano Zanini, Head of the Service for Legal Affairs, Diplomatic Disputes and International Agreements, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation of the Italian Republic

Wednesday 20 September 2023
Photograph: UN Photo/ICJ-CIJ/Wiebe Kiestra. Courtesy of the ICJ. All rights reserved.

Mr Attila Massimiliano Tanzi, Professor of International Law at the University of Bologna, 3 Verulam Buildings

Wednesday 20 September 2023
Photograph: UN Photo/ICJ-CIJ/Wiebe Kiestra. Courtesy of the ICJ. All rights reserved.

Mr Mārtiņš Paparinskis, Professor of Public International Law, University College London, member of the International Law Commission, member of the Permanent Court of Arbitration (on behalf of Latvia)

Wednesday 20 September 2023
Photograph: UN Photo/ICJ-CIJ/Wiebe Kiestra. Courtesy of the ICJ. All rights reserved.

Agent of Lithuania, Ms Gabija Grigaitė-Daugirdė, Vice-Minister of Justice of the Republic of Lithuania, Lecturer at Vilnius University

Wednesday 20 September 2023
Photograph: UN Photo/ICJ-CIJ/Wiebe Kiestra. Courtesy of the ICJ. All rights reserved.

Agent of Malta, Mr Christopher Soler, State Advocate, Republic of Malta

Wednesday 20 September 2023
Photograph: UN Photo/ICJ-CIJ/Wiebe Kiestra. Courtesy of the ICJ. All rights reserved.

Agent of Norway, Mr Kristian Jervell, Director General, Legal Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of Norway

Wednesday 20 September 2023
Photograph: UN Photo/ICJ-CIJ/Wiebe Kiestra. Courtesy of the ICJ. All rights reserved.

Co-Agent of New Zealand, Mr Andrew Williams, Chief International Legal Adviser (acting), Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade of New Zealand

Wednesday 20 September 2023
Photograph: UN Photo/ICJ-CIJ/Wiebe Kiestra. Courtesy of the ICJ. All rights reserved.

Co-Agent of Poland, HE Ms Margareta Kassangana, Ambassador of the Republic of Poland to the Kingdom of the Netherlands

Wednesday 20 September 2023
Photograph: UN Photo/ICJ-CIJ/Wiebe Kiestra. Courtesy of the ICJ. All rights reserved.

Agent of Portugal, Ms Patrícia Galvão Teles, Director of the Department of Legal Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Portuguese Republic, and member of the International Law Commission

Wednesday 20 September 2023
Photograph: UN Photo/ICJ-CIJ/Wiebe Kiestra. Courtesy of the ICJ. All rights reserved.

The Rt. Hon. Victoria Prentis, KC, MP, Attorney General (on behalf of the United Kingdom)

Wednesday 20 September 2023
Photograph: UN Photo/ICJ-CIJ/Wiebe Kiestra. Courtesy of the ICJ. All rights reserved.

Agent of Slovenia, Mr Marko Rakovec, Director-General for International Law and Protection of Interests, Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs of the Republic of Slovenia

Wednesday 20 September 2023
Photograph: UN Photo/ICJ-CIJ/Wiebe Kiestra. Courtesy of the ICJ. All rights reserved.

The President of the Court authorizes the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries to participate in the proceedings

Peace Palace, Carnegieplein 2, 2517 KJ The Hague, Netherlands
Tel.: +31 (0)70 302 2323 Fax: +31 (0)70 364 9928
Website X YouTube LinkedIn
Press Release
No. 2023/46
1 September 2023
Obligations of States in respect of Climate Change (Request for Advisory Opinion) The President of the Court authorizes the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries to participate in the proceedings

The Court to hold public hearings on the preliminary objections raised by the Russian Federation from Monday 18 to Wednesday 27 September 2023

Peace Palace, Carnegieplein 2, 2517 KJ The Hague, Netherlands
Tel.: +31 (0)70 302 2323 Fax: +31 (0)70 364 9928
Website X YouTube LinkedIn
Press Release
No. 2023/45 22 August 2023
Allegations of Genocide under the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide (Ukraine v. Russian Federation: 32 States intervening)
The Court to hold public hearings on the preliminary objections raised by the Russian Federation from Monday 18 to Wednesday 27 September 2023

Obligations of States in respect of Climate Change (Request for Advisory Opinion) - Three-month extension of the time-limits for the submission of written statements and written comments

Peace Palace, Carnegieplein 2, 2517 KJ The Hague, Netherlands
Tel.: +31 (0)70 302 2323 Fax: +31 (0)70 364 9928
Website Twitter YouTube LinkedIn
Press Release
No. 2023/44
9 August 2023
Obligations of States in respect of Climate Change (Request for Advisory Opinion) Three-month extension of the time-limits for the submission of written statements and written comments

Order of 4 August 2023

YEAR 2023
4 August
General List
No. 187
4 August 2023
The President of the International Court of Justice,
Having regard to Articles 66 and 68 of the Statute of the Court and to Articles 44, 102 and 105 of the Rules of Court;

Legal Consequences arising from the Policies and Practices of Israel in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem (Request for Advisory Opinion) - Filing of written statements

Peace Palace, Carnegieplein 2, 2517 KJ The Hague, Netherlands
Tel.: +31 (0)70 302 2323 Fax: +31 (0)70 364 9928
Website Twitter YouTube LinkedIn
Press Release
No. 2023/43
7 August 2023
Legal Consequences arising from the Policies and Practices of Israel in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem (Request for Advisory Opinion) Filing of written statements


29 April 2022
Table of Annexes
Annex 1: European Convention on the Peaceful
Settlement of Disputes 􀀔
Annex 2: Article 3 of Law 5/2013
(Italian original and English translation) 􀀔􀀔
Annex 3: Article 1 of Law No. 848
(Italian original and English translation) 􀀔􀀗
